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Poor old Grace was sitting eating her lunch with nobody. Grace has no friends she is a lonely person. Then a girl came along and her name was the best girl in the world Mackenzie. Then they instantly became friends. Grace was so......we'll she didn't know what she was feeling cause Grace had never had a friend. The best girl in the world Mackenzie introduced all her friends to Grace. Grace was so happy. So now Grace has The best girl in the world Mackenzie, Jayna, Mia which is a really, really ,really,really, really crazy person, Maggie to be her friends. Some of the girls didn't like her right away but then they got used to her. So then every day at school Grace would have someone to play with. But her best friend was the best girl in the world Mackenzie. Those two would do everything together like go to the mall, play at the park, go to the movies, and all kinds of things. When Grace went to the mall for the first time she was amazed at what she saw. There was everything she ever wanted there was pillow-pets, food lots of it to, candy, pretty clothes, and so other awesome cool stuff that she really wants. She couldn't by a lot because so only had $5 to spend. At the end of the day Grace went home and with the. Money she spent she got two little suckers and a little stuffed dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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