Picture perfect

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Another day full of agony. I wake up of the harsh smell of cigarettes again. When I open my eyes everything a clouded my my moms puffs of smoke. This is her way of waking me up. Hopefully today she'll clean up the house and the stench, why? I have a friend coming over today. I get a suitable dress today along with some stockings, and of course two matching ribbons to up my hair in low ponytails. I go onto the school bus only to sit in the front, away from everyone else. I hear whispering. It's about me and my appearance but I ignore them, I don't need to give my energy to people like them. I go onto school, seeing the only friend I manage to get all school year. She describes me as "picture perfect" that I'm so "amazing" if only she knew the truth. As the day goes on I keep wondering if mother is cleaning up the house. I hope so. The end of the day arrives and we both go into the bus. Once we arrive I step in, still being able to smell her cigarettes. I guess it's hard to get rid of that smell after years of not cleaning it out. Still, I dont think she notices it. We run into my room, I tried to make it as "perfect" as she would imagined, I think it's to her expectations. We go into the kitchen to grab a quick snack, I notice father isn't home, I ask mother where is he, she does not answer. I can slightly see my brother through the window, smoking with his friends, hopefully she won't see. Mother almost lights a cigarette inside, she realized she has a guest and goes outside. Dinner time comes along and mother has cooked a meal for us. A nice steak dinner with a side of mashed potatoes. The first time I've tried her cooking in awhile. Around the night, sounds erupt in mother's room, making me wake up, she also wakes up, she goes into the kitchen for water only to find anything but water. She screams. I know what she saw. My brother takes her, and takes "care" of her. One last scream and silence. If only people knew what happened beyond these curtains. People won't think our hours is so "perfect" Just because mother and father put a clean front in the public eye doesn't mean we're so clean and proper. But we must hid her before morning time comes. I fall back asleep, knowing brother will wanted to take care of it on her own. Goodbye Alyssa, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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