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in which i, mag, have too many ideas and not enough inspiration to write them all.

ONE. please be respectful and polite, use your basic manners, please, thank you, may I, you're welcome. it's the small things that matter.

TWO. do not steal. if you steal any of my plots I will know, my friends and I will not fail to come after you for your theft. so beware.

THREE. once given the plot, you have two weeks to publish the first chapter. this does not include a synopsis, graphic chapter, playlist, epigraph, prologue or cast. if you need an extension you may reach out and request one, this must be done before the end of the two weeks. failure to post the chapter within the given time frame will result in me taking the plot back.

FOUR. if you have received a plot and feel as if you cannot write it anymore please let me know, there is no shame in losing interest in something.

FIVE. you must be following my other account magaesthetic , in addition to this, you must give credit in your books description and in the first chapter/introductory chapter.

SIX. i have the right to decline you, well there is no specific reason, i am more than likely going to look through your other books to see your writing style before deciding if i think you are going to be able to write the plot in an acceptable manner.

SEVEN. this isn't first come first serve.

EIGHT. the password is your favorite actor and what you first saw them play in.

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