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hi !! i've been thinking of making a personal and i just got another reason to make one !!
i was tagged by SimplyACherryBomb (thank you for tagging me !! <3 ) so here i am !! 

1. full name
i go by pris bc that's what im comfy with !!

2. age
16 !!

3. height
5'4,,, i wish i was taller :((

4. single or taken
single :((

5. favorite color
idk i like pinks, yellows and reds !!

6. crushing on anyone?
not atm

7. what grade/year
going into 11th grade

8. pets?
one dog and a cat!

9. dogs or cats?
both i cant choose i love all animals

10. democratic or republican?

11. fav tv shows?
i love strong woman bong soon and stranger things lol

12. favorite holiday?

13. sexuality?

14. weight?
103 lbs ://

15. gender
female !

16. fav accs?
anyone i've talked to before !! everyone i've talked to on this acc has been so sweet so yeah :)) thank you for talking to me !

17. something you're good at
procrastinating and being annoying :|

18. something you're bad at
singing, math, art, pretty much everything lol

i tag anyone who wants to do this !!

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