Chapter 1 Shoto

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(A collab story with VillianDeku11)

Another day of school.  As fun as it is to learn to become a hero, the training is quite bothersome.

We hardly ever get a break and when we do, it's full of tests.  I've been spending most of my time in the classroom or in the library.

All of this studying and extra things have been making me more tired and I have been zoning out more each day.

Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever get a real break with no work.  Whatsoever.

"Hello!?  Earth to Todoroki-kun!?"  A voice asked.  I snapped out of my thoughts to see Midoriya sitting in front of me, a worried expression etched upon his face.

I had just realized that I had been staring at the greenette for quite a while.  He must think that I'm weird now.

"My apologies, Midoriya.  I was zoning out while I was thinking.  Sorry if I worried or scared you," I apologized.

He sighed out of relief and closed the book we were using to study.  He folded his arms in front of him and put his head on them, looking up at me.

"Well while I won't deny that you had me worried, I wasn't scared.  I was just concerned about your behavior towards me and the others.

"You seem to zone us out and go into your own little world, ignoring those around you. 

"It was subtle at first, but most of us, including me, realized it when Kacchan yelled at you for at least half an hour before you had realized what was happening.

"And it seemed that almost everytime you zoned out, you were looking at me.  Todoroki-kun, am I a distraction to you?"  He asked, lifting his head to my height.

I placed my hand on top of his head, causing him to flinch a bit.  I don't really make any physical contact with anyone unless it's needed or if I have a reason.

I gave him a small, reassuring smile as I was petting his head.  When I took my hand away he buried his face in his arms, trying to hide the small blush that had appeared on his face.

"Midoriya, you're not a distraction to me.  I just can't help but think about you.  This may sound weird and all but your features and personalities are quite remarkable,"

He lifted his head and looked at me.  I continued on.

"Not that there is any meaning behind it, I was just admitting what my thoughts were about.  I can't help but think about you and how you helped me.  And for that I thank you.

"You have been everything but a distraction to me.  You helped me realized that it's ok to use my fire and you reminded me that it was mine, not my fathers'.

"I can't help but admire that about you.  That's one thing you love doing.  Helping others overcome their barriers.  You help them push past them to become the hero that want to be.

"You are just one remarkable person.  One whom I would hang out with all the time and still never get tired of being with," I said.  I looked down at him to see his expression.

His eyes were watery and he was blushing from ear to ear.  He sat up and covered his eyes, his bottom lip quivered as he tried to find words.

"Uhm...  T-thank you, Todoroki-Kun...  uh...  I'm glad you think of me that way!  Honestly, I am!  But...  I also think of Todoroki-Kun as someone who I can look up to...

"You're an amazing person with a lot of intellect and I, myself, can't help but look up to you for that.  Even in the most difficult and dangerous situations you seem so calm and collected.  Always knowing what you're doing.

"You seem to make most around you feel calm and secure.  You never rant about your ideas and possible strategies when in danger.  Unlike me...  it's a real bad habit of mine...

"I help others because it makes me feel better about myself and it makes me happy to see them happy.

"I always thought about your calm demeanor around others and your social side around me.  It always made feel...  special in some way," he confessed, covering his face with both hands.

I smirked at him as I sat back in my chair.  I thought about what he said and let out a slight chuckle.

He looked at me, his face beet red as he was staring at me in shock and disbelief.

"T-Todoroki-Kun!  Did you just...  chuckle?" He asked.

I sat up and folded my arms.

"Yeah.  I did.  Why?  Is something wrong?"  I asked.  He shook his head and sat back in his seat.  He sighed and got up, before pushing his chair in.  I looked at him, his face still very red.

"Midoriya?"  I questioned.  He looked at me and smiled a bit.

"I think we should continue this tomorrow, Todoroki-Kun.  We've studied for nearly 3 and a half hours and I feel quite tired.  I'll text you when I get home, if you don't mind," he said.

I nodded and waved him off.

After he left I got up myself and cleaned up the area.  After making sure everything was in place, I walked out of the study hall.

As I was walking out, I lost myself in my thoughts.


His confession...  Was it real?  Did it have any meaning behind it?

Does he...  Like me? 

I shook my head.

Of course not.  We're just friends.  Nothing can change that...  Right?

I won't lie.  I felt feelings towards the greenette.  But he probably likes Bakugou or Uraraka.  He seems to hang around Bakugou, even if he nearly died, and he always blushes and covers his face when around Uraraka.

He probably doesn't feel the same towards me, and would probably reject me if I confessed.

(Time skippu, cause author-chan wants to hurry up and finish another story chapter)

I found myself home faster than I should have.  I sighed as I unlocked my front door.  Midoriya and I had been there since 6 in the evening and we had studied for 3 and a half hours.  And then adding the 25 minute walk home...

I got home at around 9:55 at night, my cockshit father probably already waiting for me.

I opened the door when I heard the lock click and quietly made my way to my room, pausing when I heard foot steps.

When I reached my room I closed and locked my door and dropped my bag gently on the floor.

My light turned on, startling me for a second as I whirled around, facing my bed.  And who else was there other than my father, the number 1 pro hero, Endeavor.

"Do you have any idea what time it is, Shoto?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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