Aquaman: King of Atlantis

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The film opens up with Aquaman staring down the army of Black Manta underseas. A monologue begins to sound as Aquaman hops into battle, "I am Aquaman. Protector of the Seven Seas. King of Atlantis. But, every king's story has a beginning."

A time warp happens which throws the viewers back. It's a shot of young Arthur Curry along with his parents, playing on the beach with his parents. Over the course of the scene, the beach grows darker, indicating bad weather. The waves in the ocean start to get larger until a medium-sized tidal wave appears. Young Arthur Curry is able to control the tidal wave and send it back into the ocean before it harms anyone. This is the first time that he learns of his powers. This is also the first time that his mother learns of young Arthur's powers.

We see several more scenes of Arthur's childhood. Losing his mother to Atlantis. Training with Vulko. Friends finding out about his powers. We also see the power struggle between Atlantis and the Surface World is Ocean Master at the helm. Then, we see Arthur in a bar with his father. The news is playing on the tv. "Atlanteans invade downtown" The Atlanteans begin their invasion of the surface world (Boston) led by Ocean Master. Arthur's father tells him that he has to fight, that he is the only one that can stop the invasion of Atlantis.

Aquaman shows up at the sight of the invasion. Staring down Ocean Master and the rest of the the Atlanteans. Aquaman throws a rock at Ocean Master, who is riding on the top of a platform throughout the city. Ocean Master then says "Who dares to defile the king of Atlantis, the son of Atlanna." Arthur then says, "Me, Arthur Curry, also son of Atlanna." Ocean Master comes off of his platform. Ocean Master then says, "Also, son of Atlanna?" Arthur says, "Yes" Ocean Master then throws Arthur into a building and yells, "Blasphemy! Away, coward." Arthur, stunned, begins to fight but is easily defeated by the forces of Atlantis.

Several days later, the world is unable to fight back. The military has had no chance against Atlantis' forces and Arthur has no clue on what to do. Queen Mera appears to him one day while he is on the beach. She brings armor of Queen Atlanna and informs him of the history of Atlantis and tells why he has to fight Ocean Master and his forces. She tells that his mother, Atlanna, who was killed by Ocean Master on his quest to command the seven seas, would have wanted Arthur to fight. Arthur takes the armor and goes into battle. Arthur is able to stand with the US military against Atlantis' forces and defeat them.

At battle's end, Ocean Master is kneeling in pain after being stabbed through the leg by Atlanna's trident that is being wielded by Arthur. Queen Mera appears and makes an announcement to the Atlantis troops that they are free to go back to Atlantis, as they are now under control of Arthur Curry, their true king. Ocean Master is defeated, and he is escorted back to Atlantis to be locked up.

The final scene of the film shows Arthur and Mera visiting Thomas Curry's lighthouse and having a chat with him. Thomas tells Arthur how proud he is of him, and tells him that his mother would be even more proud. The film ends with Arthur and Mera walking back into the water, sharing a kiss, and going back to Atlantis to rule the kingdom together.

The after credit scene is intense. It begins with a black screen that says "several months after the attack on the surface world" Arthur and Mera, are nursing a newborn son. Which shows that they have gotten married since the attack on the surface world, and have born a child. Alarms sound in Atlantis. An intruder has broken in. Arthur Curry knows who is intruding. Black Manta and his army, attempting to break Ocean Master out of the Atlantis prison. Arthur walks to a secret room in his palace, opens a chamber, and the classic orange and green Aquaman costume is shown.

Mid-credit scene:
Then, Black Manta's large army is shown on screen, approaching the prison, when all of a sudden, Aquaman swims at high speed in front of them. This pits the story right back where it began with Aquaman staring down the army of Black Manta. Aquaman turns to the Atlantean soldiers behind him and says loudly, "By the command of the king of Atlantis," then much quieter, "attack!" With this command, soldiers from both sides begin swimming at each other, and the final shot of the film is Aquaman pulling back his trident in order to throw is before the screen goes black.

Post credit scene:
Aquaman is seen sitting on his throne. One of his assistants says that someone is there to see him. Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) walks in. She then says "Aquaman, I need you, help me find others like you" Aquaman then says, "What are you talking about?" Wonder Woman replies, "It's past time this world learned what justice was truly about."

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