baby come on

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summer 1990 - burroughs high school, ca

Music was pumping in Rosie's ears as she sat alone on a small sand dune, a half-empty red solo cup in her hands. 

The after prom party was still going strong, but Rosie had needed a break from the drunken group of teenagers all huddled around the cars, where the music was coming from. Short of anyone willing to organize the after prom at their house, the senior class of Burroughs High School had settled for a party in the middle of the desert, using cars as speakers and the flat part of their spot as a dance floor, a few car lights providing lighting. People had brought their own alcohol and there wasn't a house around for the noise to bother, so they were free to party as hard as they liked and for however long they wanted.

Rosie had never been one for big parties. She preferred to drink alone or with a handful of friends, but she had figured that she could make an effort for what would possibly be her last night with her classmates, even if she didn't particularly affectionate any of them.

She looked at them from afar, all partying carelessly or sneaking out further away to make out or have sex, as it was typically the case during those nights. A bittersweet smile formed on her lips as she thought about how she could never be that carefree. The 5 beers she'd already had were surely getting to her because it wasn't long before her eyes prickled with tears as she thought about how lost and alone she was compared to her friends. She blinked away the first ones, but alcohol made her emotional, and she silently cried, thinking about everything wrong with her life. 

She knew she was crying for stupid things, but the fact that she had recently been dumped by her boyfriend and that she still hadn't been admitted to any college seemed like then end of her world at the moment, and the alcohol in her blood was certainly not helping.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."'

Rosie turned to look at the boy who was now sitting down next to her, a lit cigarette in a hand and a beer bottle in the other.  She sniffled and moved sideways to make some space for him.

"Hey, mister best hair of our class. Why aren't your partying like the others?", she asked, nodding in the direction of the group of dancing teenagers.

"I saw a pretty girl crying all alone. Thought I'd talk to her. Name's Mark, by the way", he replied after taking a drag of his cigarette. 

A sad chuckle escaped Rosie's lips and she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "I'm Rosie." 

They stayed in silence for a moment, tears still sliding down Rosie's cheeks. She appreciated him checking on her, but she didn't know him all that well and had no idea what to tell him. 

"Can I ask what these are for?" Mark suddenly asked, gesturing to the tears on her face.

"It's dumb. I'm not even sure why I'm crying. Alcohol makes me feel like shit." She said, a sad smile forming on her lips as she looked at the blue-eyed boy next to her. Mark was still looking at her, silently waiting for her to unload.

"It's just- I feel so lost. And alone. I have no idea what I'm gonna do next. I used to have it all planned out but now my boyfriend dumped me two weeks ago and I got rejected for the 3 first colleges I applied to and I just- I have no idea what's gonna happen anymore and I feel lost and lonely." She ran a hand through her hair as she rambled and drank what was left of her drink, hoping it might make her numb to the sadness she was currently feeling. "And I think I'm running out of alcohol. Everything is just peachy".

That earned her a chuckle from Mark. "You can have mine" he offered, handing her out his half-full beer. "As for the loneliness, we're in the same boat. I hate this fucking town, and I can't wait to get out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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