Introducing the Characters

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All of Hearth's words will be in Italics and it will show that he is signing

???:Hi there I'm the host of this ask or dare

Magnus: Who are you

???: A person

Magnus: You kinda look like a female Hearth

???: Quick hide me *Jumps behind ?*

Blitz: So are you a female Hearth

Hearth: No she isn't a female me she can hear you guys

???: True dat

Alex: Who are you then

???: My name is Aire I'm Hearth's younger sister (A/N Ok ok I know Hearth doesn't have a sister but she is an OC OKAY)

Hearth: *frantically signing* I have a younger sister?!

Aire: Ya and this is my friend Nick

Nick: Hey

Aire: Now introduce yourselves

Magnus: Hi I'm Magnus

Alex: I'm Alex

Sam: My name is Samariah Al-Badalis (Sorry if I spelt it wrong) but call me Sam

Mallory: I'm Mallory

Halfborn: I'm Halfborn

Tj: I'm Thomas Jefferson Jr. But please call me Tj

Blitz: I'm Blitzen call me Blitz

Hearth: And I'm Hearth

Aire: That's all for right now please comment asks or dares for us to do in the next chapter and if I left out one of the characters please let me know bye

Oh God that was a little Rocky sorry I haven't been updating much I haven't really had time. Please comment Asks or dares you can even private message if you want please let me know if I left anyone out or if I spelt something wrong thank you bye

-- Autumn 🍁🍂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now