Strengths and Weaknesses

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Gaka Seikatsu was an artist, to say in the least. She delved into many different mediums that ranged from pastels and paints to origami and pottery. Despite all this, she was especially invested in illustration. She continuously etched and doodled on whatever she could find, not just because of her quirk.

Her quirk, Skin Sketch, allowed whatever was drawn onto her skin to become reality. She often found herself doodling little plants and flowers onto her hands and arms whenever she was stressed or spaced out, watching as they spouted delicately from her. Gaka would draw small butterflies and observe them flutter their beautifully detailed wings and fly away with the winds.

Her artistic talents may have brought her peace, but, unfortunately, her academic classes were not her strong suit. Math would repeatedly tease and confuse her poor mind. History bored her to no ends. English made her head spin with all the words that just wouldn't slip past her lips. Science wasn't even on the table of comprehension. Slowly but surely her grades began to slip, despite her best efforts.

On the other end of the scale was a wealthy boy by the name of Iida Tenya. You see, whilst Gaka couldn't figure out the academics of school, he excelled in every class and quickly took his rank of one of the highest graded students in the class. He was efficient with his studies and aced every test thrown his way.

In a very similar way to Gaka, in one way he succeeded and in another he failed very miserably. Iida couldn't etch a single illustration without it seeming as stiff and board-like as his own posture. He had always longed to make a beautiful work of his own, secretly, and tried so many times to achieve his goal, but to no avail and eventually gave up.

It wasn't until the day he saw a quiet, shorthaired bluenette sketching delicately on her arm with a sharpie that he was reminded of his long forgotten dream. He had also remembered that ink poisoning was very much a possibility when it came to permanent markers on skin. What kind of class representative would he be if he couldn't protect one of his own classmates from something so preventable. As he approached the shy girl, ready to warn her of the dangers in that sharpie, he witnessed one of the most beautiful happenings before his eyes.

The ink on her arm, which he thought once posed a threat, arose from her pale canvas and sprouted vivid green leaves followed by a beautifully intricate lily. It's soft white petals curved outward and a sweet scent began to fill the room around the quiet girl. She smiled kindly at the flower and lifted her other hand up to it to stroke one of the petals.

Iida could do nothing but stare, enchanted, at this pale girl's quirk. He stood there and let himself gaze at the girl in wonder. It was at that moment that he slightly shook his head and continued his interrupted path towards the quiet girl.

"What an exquisite quirk you have there, Miss Seikastu."

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