Author's Notes

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Hello readers!

I'm back. Unsurprisingly, much later than I intended to be, but I'm back.

When I decided to take down Shadow in the Water for an overhaul, I started off with some small details, following along with suggestions that you guys had for me and honestly, I didn't have too much more than that planned. As I went, I decided that I wanted to do justice to this story that you seem to enjoy. I know I can do so much better than what I had originally given you.

So for those of you who have stuck along with me this far, I urge you to reread the chapters. While the basis of the story remains the same, there are a LOT of new changes. And thank you for coming back.

For those of you who are just joining in on the adventure, welcome! I apologize ahead of time for my awful habit of dropping off of the face of the Earth and not updating the story as often as you all deserve.


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