Chapter 1: Planet Moziac

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       It was silent deep dark abyss, only lit by tiny balls of light, known as stars. Yes, it was space, the endless vaccum that held countless stars and planets. All of the suuden two pods, flew across, leaving a trail of energy behind them. Flying fast through space, they neared a blue planet, similar to their own home planet.

       The two pods penetrated the planets atmosphere, causing the illusion of asteroids, the inhabitamts of the blue marble, did not think much. But they will soon know, for the two pods harbored two boys. They seemed harmless, but held unimaginable power.

         The pods  crashed, creating a large crater, destroying the plants, and wildlife around them. The smoke cleared and the two boys stepped out their pods, examing the planet. They had unusual attire, and a gadget on the left side of their face.

         One presses a button on the gizmo, creating a beeping noise. He smirked, for it told the battle level, of all living organisms. The planets inhabitants battle powers were weak, and merely a distraction to the two boys.

"So, this is Planet Mozaic?" He asked displeased.

"Uh-huh, suppose to have a rare type of fruit, making you stronger I think..." The other said unsure.

"Hmm...interesting, so brother...want to greet the inhabitants of this blue rock?" He asked his brother saravastically, as his brother smirked maliciously.

       The two boys began to levitate, until they were high in the sky. A white, aura began to surround them and they took off to the nearest village. They flew fast, faster than the planets winged creatures. The small village started to come closeer, and closer into view.

       The two boys stopped, and landed on the soft blueish-green grass. The two boys entered the small village, the acrosians stared at the two, for they have never seen a creature like thew two before.

       They came to a man, the village elder, wearing a long velvet red cape. The eldest, tapped on his shoulder, as the man turned around with a soft comforting expression. He smiled at the two.

"Well, hello there young ones, what brings you two here?" He asked, as the two smiled, and looked up at the elder.

"My name is Raditz, and this my youngest brother Kakarrot." Raditz said as he places his left hand over his heart, lightly bowing.

"Please to meet you" Kakarrot said, mimicking Raditz gesture.

"What manners you have, please to meet you both, this is our quaint village, Sjinse, and might I ask why are you two here?" Hr asked, as Raditz and Kakarrot looked at each other and back at the village elder, smirking evily.

       Screams of terror emitted from the Village, cries of agony filled the plains. The two boys began to purge to village, killing everyone in their sight, even children their age. The village sent their best warriors to defeat the boys.

       Atlas, they served no match for their power, Raditz and Kakarrot defeated them with ease. Leaving no trace behind. The screams of terror seized. It was silent. The deed had been done, they exterminated every living organism in the village.

       The two boys acsended into the evening sky, soaked in purple blood. Kakarrot looked at Raditz. He nodded, crossing his arms, as he flew back a and inch. Kakarrot placed his two hands at his left side keeping his gaze at the village, as he did so, he hovered his left hand over his right and chanted the words.

"Ka....Me....Ha....Me....HA!" He fired a blue deathly energy wave, towards the village, destroying along with the dead bodies.

"Well one brother..." Raditz said floating at his side, as Kakarrot spoke.

"Why thank you dear brother of mine" He said looking over his shoulder.

They had less than 48 hours to eradicate the planet. They did it in 24 hours...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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