Chapter 1

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I'm sitting at Lux, downing on a shot of whiskey. It's my fifth shot and I can already feel the stupor coming upon me. Ahh! Just how I like it.

I tipsy towards the lounge for a better place on the couch instead of this spineless barstool. I'm pretty much waddling now unaware of the world going round and around. I'm fucking drunk.

Just when I reach out to the pole next to the couch I see a blond girl touch me on my shoulder gesturing me towards the couch she's kept ready for me sit and probably pay for her to strip and dance on me.

I'm not ready for that. Not right now. My thoughts need me tonight. Focused on them. No on a half naked human.

So I push her away. She hisses at me and shows the finger and stomps away.
Well, atleast that went well.

"Heyy, buddy... Go easy on my girl will you?" Ronnie pointed out to me.
I waved at him and he nodded and went back to minding his own business.

Just then, I groan as I feel one coming. I get up and hurry out of Lux to my limo.
"Bran! Get me out of here, now!" I yell at my chauffeur.

"Right away sir!" He says as he helps me enter one of the confounded limo doors.
"Why the hell do there have to be so many doors. Dammit!" I snap out.

I hear the door shut and the engine revving and the cool breeze blows from the air conditioning of the car. I huff out s breath and pull out another glass from inside the cabinet and pour out one of the expensive bottles of whiskey.

I rub my right forehead as it starts throbbing in an attempt to relieve with the whiskey. I must have passed out then and there because the next thing I know I'm in my bed that's making a really annoying squeaky sound. When I gather my senses there's two beautiful blondes here.

"Well, well ladies. This has been a pressure, really. But loves I have to ask you to leave right now" I tell them and the nod disagreeably.

The platinum blonde looks at the other and tells her to continue stroking me. I let out a frustrated groan and instinctively palms her neck almost breaking it. She hyperventilates and breaks off of me and runs away. The other one follows suit.
Leaving me naked but sweaty in my bed.

I've had sex many times with many women whilst sleeping. And that's how I workout daily. If you ask me that's been going really good for me. The girls might say otherwise or not. But I've had my fair share of sex with the entire city almost.

I close my eyes taking a sip from my whiskey glass and collapse on my bed. Hoping sleep engulfs me.


The alarm goes off at 3 am.
I wake up and tidy my bed. I do the laundry and prepare my breakfast.
After a soothing hot shower I get ready for work. I get ready wearing a suit and tie and make my way to the counter. Enjoying my morning cup of coffee with my eggs and cereal. I catch up on the latest Medscape research and update the Mayo Clinical trials.

I holler at Bran and he takes me downtown to the Asclepius Memorial Hospital. The hospital my family handed down to me on a silver platter.

As I walk past the fountain outside the Trauma Centre, Mr. Biggins, the beagle guy wishes me good morning. I've never understood that, I did save his daughter's life, but not cause it was his daughter but cause it would bring in money to the foundation.

Besides I've never been a fan of Homo sapiens. Just tried to blend in with the race.

Shoving these pointless thoughts out of my mind's temple I enter through the trauma doors instead of through the main gates. Not sure why but it was probably a defence mechanism my mind developed against stupid people and unnecessary pleasentaries and whatnots.

I enter the trauma room inhaling the fragrant smell of sanitisers and rubber gloves. Yes my mind had considered this my second home, actually more of a first if you ask me.

I sign into my biometric via the iris scanners and enter the elevator.
Ah! Elevators. Ever since my dad passed away on his ride from floor 5 through 49 to surprise my mom with divorce papers, I keep him in my thoughts reminiscing his existence. Unfortunately he never made it to his wife cause his heart stopped after fibrillating. Funny how fate has a way of taking the life of a cardiothoracic surgeon with a cardiac arrest.

The elevator dings and I walk out and make my way to the attendings' lounge.
"Alex! Long time no see!" Dr. Holly calls out to me. Martha Holly is a brilliant plastics surgeon who studied med school with me. And now she works with me, more like for me. But I'd let that go for her.

She pulls me into a hug. Something I hate a lot. But thanks to her I've grown surprisingly immune to them.

"How much do you wanna work out, huh? Do you wanna challenge the Greek gods or something? Seriously dude, geez!" She punches me in the deltoid.

"Ouch." I yelp sarcastically. Praying she leaves before I enter my cabin.

"Fine. Fine. I'll leave. Gramps!" She chirps.

I set down my things inside my locker and wear my scrubs and apron and the sexy golden heart shaped steth around my neck. I take my essentials and load them inside my coat pockets. Take a look in the mirror, set my curls in place shine my teeth and pray to god this day ends. Quickly.

I head out the door hoping to save some lives.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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