Chapter One

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Murdoc POV

I wake up to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock. I groan loudly and roll over, covering my head with a pillow. It doesn't help much but I can just barely ignore it.

Then Mom barges in and yells, "Muddykins, wake up!"

"Mom, please don't call me that," I grumble, getting up slowly.

I stretch and shoo her out. She insists on a hug because she has to leave for work soon. After granting her that hug, she leaves and once she's gone I undress and walk into the bathroom.

After my shower, I dry off, taking my time, and walk towards my closet. I pick out a black T-shirt with the NASA logo on it and a pair of grey jeans. After getting dressed I slipped on a pair of black Converses.

I walk downstairs and head towards the kitchen. I'm blessed by the beautiful smell of peppermint tea. I smile as I grab my warm cup off of the counter.

Taking a sip of the best drink in existence, I head towards the table where mom has made me some scrambled eggs with a side of toast.

I quickly eat my food and grab the lunch bag off of the counter. I know dad left for work a couple of hours ago along with my chance to say goodbye to him. I get my school bag and head out to my car, which I had just gotten my license for the previous summer.

I own a little white Volkswagen that is definitely newer than the cars of most of my classmates. I get in the dorky slugbug and drive to school.

When I arrive at Generic British High-School™, I drive into the student parking lot. When I find an open spot, I move my car towards it immediately. Just as I was about to park, a hot pink lowrider rammed into the space.

I recognize that obnoxious color, yup, it's Paula's new car. I'm unhappy, but not surprised that she cut me off like that, she's always hated me, ever since our break up when she found out that I'm not entirely straight. I'm alright with the fact that she hates me, I've never much liked how she treated other people in general.

One downside to her distaste for me is that nobody else will go near me because of her. It's been so hard to make friends since she found out that I'm bi, that the only one who even talks to me at school is my cousin, Ace.

Anyways, I guess I'll have to look for another spot. It takes a while, but after a few minutes of searching, I find one. The only problem is, it's one of the spots farthest from the actual school. I guess the walk won't kill me, but I definitely won't beat the rush when the bell rights now. I park and step out of my car, heading into the school building.

I sit in on the weekly pep assembly and my first three classes go as normal, the only noticable difference is when I catch gossip about 'the hot new kid', and I hear that he's another junior, too. According to the rumor mill, he's been expelled from 3 different schools just this year, and it's only November.

I wonder if this new kid will be in any of my classes for a brief moment, then turn back towards my work.  The day goes on like this until my fifth period class, physical education, which I hate with a burning passion.

I walk into the locker room and start getting undressed, and after I change into my gym clothes, which consist of green shorts and a plain white tank top, I'm half way done when I see an unfamiliar face in the locker room.

The face isn't an unattractive one, with a nice jawline, clear smooth skin and the oddest eyes I've ever seen. They seemed to be completely black, with no white or color to speak of. It was a little unnerving, kinda sexy in a weird sort of way, but the odd condition didn't take away any of the person's attractiveness.

Another odd feature on this boy was the wild, striking blue hair that, oddly enough, looked like it was either natural or a stellar dye job.
His body wasn't a chore to look at, either. His pale skin was inked with a couple of tattoos and the person was riddled with a collection of nasty looking scars and bruises. A couple of them looked like they really must have hurt to get, he looked tough.

The new kid from this morning (?) was also super tall and somewhat muscular. Not so much as to be weird or unattractive, but just enough to appeal to any girl or boy (like me) wanting a hot guy to look at.

Nice, very nice. I thought.

This must have been that new kid I heard so much about. He looked innocent enough with his cute face and childishly messy hair, but something about those scars and bruises told me that this new guy was trouble.

I jump when I realize that I've been looking a bit too long and Ace has been calling my name for a solid minute. I've been looking for more than just a little while and everyone else is gone, already dressed. There are only three people still in the nearly empty locker room.

Me, Ace and the kid I was staring at. Ace and the new kid have already gotten dressed while I was still shirtless. Ace definitely noticed that I was staring creepily at the blue haired boy and it would have been nearly impossible for the new kid, who was now staring back at me, not to have noticed too.

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