Part. 1

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You wake up

After have a nightmare about your dead brother

You still hoped he was alive-

But then you remember the incident

You sighed and got up off the top bunk,

You and your sibling used to share it...

You stare at the bed your brother used to sleep in...

Your brother was unlucky and got the bottom one when you flipped a coin,

You laughed a bit, cause he was so pissed when you got the top one

You quickly sigh and sit on his bed, holding back tears-

Then your dad yells



You finally remember your name


Such a powerful name...

But you feel so-

Just so



Ah yes your sister she is the one that likes to eat everything she is most gluttonous-

But you love her


Your sister yelled in response

You say as you walk to the table in the kitchen

"Samantha can I have my pancake back-"

"No you can't, it's mine now!"
She cackled

"I guess I'll make another one-"

"Thanks dad-"
You say as you sat down to eat your pancakes

Your sister wasn't exactly 'fat' per say

Just a little on the heavier side of the spectrum

After you eat all of your pancakes and have a chugging contest with your sister to see who can chug the milk the fastest

You didn't win-

But sure as hell you got better

You sit on the couch...

Thinking about the damn incident

That took your brother's life-

But then you think about your mom, it all faded away real quick-

You focused all of your anger

Her and only her.

You were sure that the hole cause of your brothers death was because of her.

Not considering that she cheated on your father,

You told him, you had proof-

Your dad didn't care as long as she was working and was paying for the needs around the house-

It was more of a cabin to be honest,

It was in the middle of no where

Just a thick forest with two paths, one to the lake and one to the public street-

You were definitely in deep thought-

Until your sister flicked the back of your neck

Ofcourse you were mad-

You yell at her with anger

She laughed and said
"You really gotta stop thinking about, Ethan and mom-"
She messed up your hair, even more than it was

You sighed,
"I.....I know I should! Don't you think I try!" You felt tears form on your eyes

She sat down next to you
"I know for a fact you don't..."

You sat there silent

You couldn't say anything

You were speechless

Samantha punches you in the arm

You rubbed the place of were you got hit

"You really need to stop thinking man-"
She said

"WELL MAYBE, it's just OH SO EASY for YOU!"
You get up and stomp to your room

Your dad tried talk to you, but one glare from you and he let you go-






(Gonna stop here I'ma make another one tho heh-)

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