zero ; prologue

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[ Minerva Katsuni ^ ]

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[ Minerva Katsuni ^ ]

THE BRIGHT SUNLIGHT filled my room as I change into some sweats and t-shirt.

My parents like always are out cruising around in a different country while i am left alone at home.

I pick up my bag and walk towards the door. 'Maybe I should go to the library.' I think as I walk outside.

I practically live at the library, you can say I'm a nerd but I didn't care what others called me.

Once I reached the library I head inside and look for a book. Narrowing my eyes at each book I start to look for a new book to read.

'Mhm what should i read today'

Skimming through the spines of the books one catches my eye. 'The Records of the Four Cardinal Weapons.'

Reaching to grab I accidentally push it backwards resulting for it to fall hitting a person on the other side of the aisle.

"Ow! What the hell, man?" I instantly rush to the other side freezing when I see Naofumi. Out of everyone it had to be him.

I had a big crush on him since I first met him over five years ago. Our parnets were good friends so we would visit each other a lot.

Despite that Naofumi and I never got close. I blame my shyness for it.

"Shoot I'm sorry Naofumi. I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologize as I check his head for any injuries.

"Its aright." He muttered and bend down to grab the fallen books.

"The Records of the Four Cardinal Weapons?" Naofumi reads the title instantly intrigued by it. "This sounds good no wonder you want it badly enough that you threw it to me." I blush as he joked.

"Mind if we read this together? I would like to read it."

"Sure" I gleamed trying to hide my excitement. He opens the book and starts to read out loud as I lend over his arm to read along with him."The Waves of Apocalyptic Catastrophe. To save the world from them, four heroes will be summoned from another world."

He pauses and turns the page before continuing. "How very like an LN." I giggled nodding my head.

"Each of the four heroes wield a characteristic weapon: a sword, a spear, a bow, or a shield." I glaze over the pictures taking in every detail.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure a shield is more like armor than a weapon." Disagreeing I turn to look at him. "Shields can be a weapon in my opinion."

He glances at me smiling before looking at the book again. "And where's the heroine, anyway? I don't think it's this princess."

"She seems kinda bitchy" We say at the time causing us to laugh.

"Huh well Each of the heroes seems impressive and pretty damn cool.
I guess all four of them are the protagonists."

Standing a bit closer to him I look at the drawings breathing heavily for being so close to him. "The sword, spear, and bow heroes all get spotlights, and even the shield hero gets..."

Before Naofumi can finish his sentence a bright yellow light blinds our vision and I suddenly feel myself falling.

"Naofumi!" I scream as we fall. I see him try to reach my hand but before we can grab hands I am thrown away. "Minerva!"

I stare at Naofumi before my eyes close as darkness fills my mind.

I'm still not sure if I'll continue this but I will if it gets noticed by people <33 & I pray that the rising of the shield hero gets season 2 !!

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