Moving back

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A/n: I hope you guys like this story and I hope for those who aren't confident or don't love themselves learn to. I Purple youuuuu~

As I walk off the plane and head towards baggage claim. I've gotten a bunch of stares and whispers around me. I didn't pay them any mind as I was used to this in America. In New york, most people haven't seen a korean become a model much less a overweight one. While waiting for my suitcases I played a game on my phone. I was becoming too focused into the game as I didn't realized someone was yelling my way.

"I said move you cow!" Someone pushed me harshly onto the ground making me drop my phone and hit my head. "Are you also deaf!?" I winced in pain and sat on the floor rubbing the sore spot on my head. I looked up to see a middle aged man in a business suit collecting his bags glaring at him. I looked at him confused and slowly stood up feeling a sharp pain in hip. I guess I must've also hit there on the fall. I picked up my things and fixed anything that was out of order the same man shoved me with his shoulder as he walked by.

"Don't you know manners!? Say excuse next time" I spat out in his direction angered. I kissed my teeth and collected my bags.

"I don't need to show manners towards cows like you" I heard behind me. I gasps and quickly turned around to find him out of sight. I glared my eyes a bit and went back to what I was doing. How dare he call me a cow? I'm not even that big.

After I collected my bags and started my way to the entrance of the airport my phone started going off. My manager was calling. I found a spot to sit and answered her.

( manager in bold and Yeo-soon in normal )

"Yes, Mrs. Ellie" I looked around the airport as I talked to her.

"How was your flight? Did you make it to your parents house?"

"It was fine I mostly read and slept, I actually just reached to korea and haven't left the airport yet."

"Well Yeo-soon make sure to get plenty of rest and eat when you get there I don't want you jet-legged."

"Yes mom, I will" I rolled my eyes and stand up. " I gotta go now my ride is probably here. Byeeeeee" I hung up shortly after I heard a bye back. Making my way to the front of the airport I continue to see people staring at me and their whispers. I kept a straight face and looked forward.

"Yeo-soon!!" I heard someone yell. I stopped and looked around for the voice. I gasped as I saw my parents holding a sign saying my name. I dropped my things and ran towards them.

"Omg!!! Eomma and Appa I missed you!!" I hugged them tightly. They chuckled at me and hugged me back.

"How's my sweet little princess?" My dad says to me ruffling up my hair. I pouted and let go to fix my hair.

"Appa!! I'm twenty-two years old I'm not a little girl anymore. Mom tell him" My dad raises his hand surrendering as my mom to turn to him. She shooked her head at him laughing.

"Honey your such a wimp" she tells him. He pretended that her words had hurt him by holding his chest in exaggerated pain. "Oh hush up your embarrassing us" She playfully hits his chest.

"Owwww.... Not until you give me a kiss for hurting me" He says in fake pain making sounds.

"Omg not her-" I try to get him to stop but he continued to make noises.

"Okay okay" Mom stood on her tippy toes and pecks his lips getting him to be quiet. " there you happy?" She blushes deeply and hid herself in his chest.

"Awww is my sweetheart blushing" He hugs her and whispers something into her ear and she gasps and hit his chest again.

"Lets just get Yeo-soon home she must be tired and hungry" She grabs one of my bags.

"Oh someones eager" He winks at her and she goes extremely red.

"Omg ewwww guys stop!! Your child is here!!" I cover my ears and grab a bag walked in a direction of where they were.

"Umm sweetie the car is this way" Mom shouts towards me. I stopped and turn around to see them walking in the opposite direction. I quickly run up to them walking aside them hearing dad laughing and teasing me.


"Hun wake up we're home." Someone softly shook me out of my slumber. I hummed softly and opened my eyes to see a nice beautiful home outside the window.

" We already bring your luggage into your room go settle in and your mom is heating up dinner" Dad tells me as I get out the car and we walk up the pathway to the house. Its supposedly evening time and the area looks so nice and peaceful. I smile softly, I hope my time is really memorable.

As we walked in dad gives me a house tour showing me the rooms and areas of the house. As I walk throughout the house I realized there lots of family pictures of me and this boy. There was even a bedroom named Joonie. He must be my older brother but I've never met him or other family in korea a matter-factly. At dinner I should ask if I get to meet him one day. As we reached my room I realized they had the walls this soft orange color and a huge bed with a desk. Also a walk in closet.

"What do you think of the room? I remember you always saying as a child that you wanted a bedroom this color... if you don't like it you can sleep in the guest room tonight. Me and my friends can get started on repainting it tonight and tomorrow."

"Don't you dare change anything about this room" I hug him. " I love it...a lot" my dad hugs me back softly and kisses my forehead. "Anything for my princess."

I roll my eyes "Hear you go again with the nickname."

He laughs. "Go freshen up for dinner I'm sure your mom is done soon."

"Okay" He leaves and I close my door. I started to put my clothes away in my closet and draws. As I did that I started to hum to Home by Seventeen.

It was such a nice warm feeling song. It also suited the situation I'm in. After I was done I hopped in the shower as I technically have been travelling for 2 days straight.

As I got the shower and got dressed, I heard mom yell saying it was time for dinner. I put my wet hair into a top messy bun and grabbed my phone heading out the door going down the stairs.

Reaching the kitchen I gasped seeing the amount of food on the table. "Oh my! Mom isn't this a lot of food for 3?" I stood by the table smelling the aroma that filled the room making my mouth water.

"Well miss model I'm here to make sure you get ethnic korean meals" She tells me smiling and starts naming the food on the table. She tells me what they do for your body and whats tastes good with them. Like the Kimchi which is a side dish mostly eaten with everything.

" When we get more mother daughter time" she gives dad a certain look and I laugh. '"I'll teach you how to make most of these dishes for your husband and family one da-"

"Oh no she's never getting married and now that she's back she is never leaving!" Dad interrupts what mom was saying.

"Do you not have manners?!" Mom stared at him.

"In be-" Clink! she throws a metal spoon at his head.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" She glares at him.

Dad doesn't say a another word as he rubs the now bruised spot on his head. I took a seat on the side of the table and waited for her to tell me when to dig in. After she lets us start eating we had mini conversations catching up on the times we aren't with each other and dad making jokes here and there. As dinner came close to a end i remember a wanted to ask a question from when I first into the house.

I cleared my throat a bit getting their attention. "I've been meaning to ask.... Who is Joonie?"

They both stopped eating and stared at me shocked.

A/n: I know the Cover for now is trash but as I get better at making them it be better. thank you for reading the first chapter. Is there any carats here? if so comment your bias my bias is Vernon and Hoshi ^^ please let me know you think

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