Just started

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                                                                                      Adrian's P.O.V
Is it just me or is Marinette really hot.........

YEAH I think it's just me.............


"Kid you like her." My Kwami, Plagg; says I like her, BUT I DON'T right?? NO I don't! "Yeah, I DON'T!" "Uhhhhhh okay......"  Plagg said suspiciously.


I totally like her

"Adrian it is now time for you photo shoot come now let's go." Natalie said while leaving my bedroom.
I get into the car while we drive to the park.

"NO NO NO!! It's all wrong!!!" My photographer yells in anger. "Adrian you look awful! Get out of my sight!"
Wow he must be really mad....... I quickly run to my limo but before I get in I see Marinette.

                                                                                     Marinette's P.O.V
TODAY IS THE DAY THAT I CONFESS TO ADRIAN!!!!! I think while I run to the park.
I will do it.
I will!
I see Adrian he is going to his car!! I must catch him. "M-Marinette"!?!?

weird when did Adrian start to stutter? Whatever. "A-Adrian I-I I LIKE YOU!!"

He isn't saying anything I feel like I am gonna cry. I don't think he feels the same way.......

"O-Oh... okay goodbye Adrian...." I turn around and he grabs my arm.... "Wait I-I like you too!!!!!

Oh my god I start to cry. "No hey don't cry!" Adrian said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey hey don't cry please..." Adrian strokes my head trying to comfort me. "Oh my god I like you so much..... I am so happy thank you."

"Hey umm do you wanna be my girlfriend?.." Adrian asks me smiling. "YES YES YES YES!"

"Okay oh uhh I need to go now I will see ya at school okay?"

"Y-yeah." I say quietly. I Immediately get out my phone to call Alya and she picks up.

"Alya!!! Adrian and I are dating!!!!!" I yell I and think the whole park heard me.

"Oh my god yassss girl you go! I am so proud of you!!!" I need to go tell my parents now I will see you later!" "Okay bye girl."

Alya hangs up and I run home. The bakery I empty so I run in and yell.

"MOMMA, PAPPA, ADRIAN AND I ARE DATING!!!!" "Oh wow that's great sweetheart!

" My mom says. "Hmmm" my dad doesn't seem to approve though he has had 'trust issues' ever since weredad. "Sooo I am gonna go upstairs now, bye!" I quickly run upstairs.

"Marinette this is so great!" My happy little Kwami pops out of my bag and flys up to my face.

"I know right I am so happy!" I think this will be the start of something great!

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