Truth or dare

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Me: hello minna today we are playing truth or dare
Everyone: nooooooooo
Me: well it's not your choice we're playing
Mira: mumbles I can finally get my OTP together
Lucy: did you say something Mira
Mira: No
Me: ok let's get started but I'm picking your spots Natsu next to Lucy. Gray next to Juvia
Natsu: Haha you have to sit next to her
Gray: shut up flame brain
Natsu: what did you call me
Gray: you heard me
Erza: BOYS knock it off
Gray/Natsu: yes ma'am
Me: ok as I was saying gray next to juvia. Gajeel next too Levy. And Laxus next to Mira. Ok Natsu you're first
Natsu: ok gajeel truth or dare
Gajeel: truth
Natsu: is it true that you like levy
Gajeel: Y-yes -////-
Levy: 0/////0
Lucy: oh levy has a crush
Levy: S-Shut up -////-
Wendy/Romeo: comes out of nowhere
Me: Oh I forgot about you two sorry
Wendy: it's fine what are you doing
Mira: just playing truth or dare cone join
Wendy: ok
Gajeel: ok payback nastu truth or dare
Natsu: Dare I'm not a pussy
Me: hits Natsu in the head nastu language there are kids here
Natsu: sorry but dare
Gajeel: I dare you too kiss lucy on the lips
Lucy: n-no Natsu don't do it -////-
Natsu: come on it's just a kiss on the lips
Lucy: Still don't d-
Natsu: kisses Lucy on the lips
Mira: NALU Nalu Nalu fangirling
Me: she's going to pass out in 3...2...1
Mira: passed out because of fangirling
Lucy: I told you not to kiss me
Natsu: I did it so you can shut up
Everyone: is Mira going to be ok
Me: yup she going to wake up in 3 seconds
Mira wakes up in 3 seconds
Lucy: How did you know that
Me: I have powers you know any way I'm going to end it here
Me: bye Minna
Everyone: BYE MINNA
A/n: this is my first so don't judge it anyway bye hope you enjoyed it, oh yeah don't mind if I didn't say jellal sit next to Ezra Bye Minna

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