Moon goddess

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I was sitting next to the moon goddess since she called me here for something important ,"how can I help you.Goddess?" said Elena. "my child,you probably won't like this but i want you to go look after a pack",said the Moon goddess. Elena look at the Moon goddess confused,"what's wrong with that? ".The moon goddess sighed. You won't like it since its your old pack,the red moon. Elena looked at the moon goddess like she had grown two heads. "The what?!! ",Elena exclaimed.

Elena was not looking forward to this,not at all.Not only did she go there to look after the worst pack,but she has to look after her mate with his wife and unborn child too. She didn't have an agenda against her mate. It's the pack she hates the most. But no matter how much she didn't like it, she had to go look after it. I only got a few hours before going to that pack.

I'm now getting ready to go to my misery but it probably won't be that bad as long as they stay away from me. I'm a half vampire, half white werewolf who controls the four strongest elements : fire,water,air,earth. I'm what you call the strongest being in the world

my mate is married and is having a babyWhere stories live. Discover now