Lights Out

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"This is going to be one of our best, man. I can feel it." Ian grinned as he trained the camera on Anthony.

"Yeah, if we ever get it done!" Anthony growled as his hand roughly combed through his hair. "We've been out here all night, Ian. We should just get our stuff and leave; I told your mom that we wouldn't be back any later than eleven." Not to mention that they haven't eaten anything since they got out of school several hours earlier.

Ian glanced down at his watch. "What's your hurry, Anthony? We still have half an hour."

"I'm fucking hungry is what's my hurry. Dude, I swear that my stomach is already trying to deal with my hunger by eating my spine."

Ian blinked. "Let's try to finish first though, man. I'll buy you a burger if you suck it up for just a couple more takes." 

"We haven't filmed this late before, Ian! Do you even know how good the quality our lighting is? We've been using nothing but moonlight for the past couple of hours."

"You're right." Ian sighed. "But we're almost done with all of the forest scenes. This is actually the last one that we absolutely need for the video."

Anthony hesitated before fixing his best friend with a glare. "A burger?"


Anthony could feel himself wavering under those eyes. "With fries and a drink?" He asked half-hearted.


"Alright then." The taller of the two carefully climbed down the small incline and waited for Ian to take his position for the side angle the scene required.

"Mmm. Action!" Ian carefully followed Anthony's progress as the taller teen ran up the incline and glided forward as smoothly as he could so he could catch the audio and keep the camera shakes to a minimum.

Anthony waited until Ian was a couple of feet away before he fell onto knees and glared up at the sky. "Why does it have to--ugh." Anthony swatted at the air around him and started to cough. "...I think I just ate a gnat." They made eye contact and silence filled the area for a couple of seconds before the two of them burst out laughing.

Ian shook his head. "Of course something like that would happen on what was going to be our last take. Let's go again." He returned to his previous spot as Anthony gathered his bearings and jogged back to his position. Ian gave Anthony a couple of moments to get ready before lifting the camera up again. "Action!"

Anthony took off in a sprint once more, but as Ian moved forward, a flash of light in the distance caught his eye, and by extension, the camera.

"What the hell, Ian? That was the one!" Anthony exclaimed.

"Dude, someone's over there." Ian was attempting to zoom in as much as he could on the flash of light shining through the trees.

"What the heck? Why would anyone be out in the forest at this time of night?" Anthony asked, his voice unconsciously lowered to a whisper. He waited in silence for a couple of moments as Ian's eyes were frozen on the screen before he reached out and tugged the camera from his friend's lax fingers. He brought the screen to his face and frowned at the lack of zoom power. There really wasn't much to see... Just a dark figure holding a flashlight and making his way through the forest... And he just so happened to be dragging a heavy bag behind him. "Did you see that bag?"

"Yeah... We should definitely leave." Ian's voice didn't tremble, but the words were forced out faster than they were meant to, which was might as well have provided a neon sign depicting just how unsettled the teen really was. "We've seen enough scary movies to know that situations like these always end up in death. Now, I'm going to be a smart white boy and get my ass back to the car."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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