New girls

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Their was word around the academy that there was going to be some new kids coming to the school. Everyone was talking about it to. When the first hour started everyone was anxious to see who is coming to the performing arts school. Even the dark queens and their skanky friends were chatting about it.

The door opened and our teacher came in.

"Ok class I know y'all are excited about the arrival of our new students. Well they are standing right outside the door and I want you guys to be nice to them." Our teacher explained.

The class nodded.

The door opened again and two girls came in. One girl has long blond hair with black streaks. She's wearing a one shoulder shirt that was blue and a red bra and a black fishnet shirt. She is also wearing a black skirts with a little fox chibi on the loop. And a blue belt. She has blue eyes that are the color of the sky. And a black small chibi coffin shaped back pack. She was wearing wedges.

The other girl has long black hair with blonde streaks on it. She was wearing a green crop top with a black fishnet shirt. She also is wearing a green skirt with a chibi fox on the loop. With a black belt. She has red eyes. She has the same bag as the other. She was also wearing wedges.

"Class I want you to meet our new students. Naruna and Menmai Namikaze." The teacher introduced them.

"Why don't you two sit in the front row right there?" the teacher suggested.

They nodded and sat in the two desks available.

"Well class since we have finished the whole lesson just finish whatever work you have or visit." The teacher said.

The whole class started getting up and moving.

The two new girls pulled out their phones and started texting. Their phones beeped and it showed it was a text to some body named Haku.

"Hey new kids. We have a rule here it's don't get me with the dark queens or the nights. Unless you want to get hurt." A boy with pale hair said moving front of them.

They only glanced up then went back to their phones.

Naruna pulled out some juice and took a sip and put it back into her bag.

They heard people talking about them.

"They don't talk at all" "I know I guess they are weak"

The bell rung and the class walked out. They saw a black haired girl walking towards them.

"Hey guys it's good to see you." Haku said.

Haku looked at their schedules and found out they all have the same classes.

They got to their second hour and sat next to Haku. On each side of her.

"So you guys going joined the squad?" she asked. They nodded. "You guys should joined the Akatsuki clovers." They are the best." She suggested.

They nodded again. Then the bell rung and the class began to fill up.

"Ok class we have new students and a guess so please stand up of your new" the teacher said

Naru and Menmai stood.

"Well we are happy to have you can you state your names." She asked

"Umm mr Sarutobi. They can't talk because they have their teeth wired shut." Haku said

"Oh what happen to their mouths?" he asked

"They just got their braces and have to have it shut for the rest of this week and they will be able to talk sing and whatever." Haku explained.

"Oh ok. Well you two cans sit down. Now let's welcome out guest to choir class." our teacher said

The door opened and in stepped a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello class it's nice to see this old room again." He said

Then the two new kids jumped up and hugged him and he hugged them back.

"Well it seems that I'm in a class with my kids." He said

"Hey Minato.!!" Haku shouted

"Hey Haku how are you?" he asked

"Well I'm here to sung you guys a song. I would let my kids sing this with me but they can't because of their braces and the wires in their mouth." He explained to them.

He walked up to the front of the room

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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