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          Have you ever wanted to be rich and gorgeous live in mansion and own like ten different beach houses at the age 14. Well you would think other wise when you meet Brooklyn.

          Brooklyn has wanted a normal life since forever sure having a mansion and own tons of dresses would be great but after awhile it gets I don't know a little boring,stupid, can cause selfishness.


         I wake up with my window open, I take off my sleep mask to see a pink shirt and lighter pink shirt on an hanger of the doorknob of my walk-in closet. I sit up and check my phone for messages before I start wondering why my alarm didnt go off but of course my mom has to yell at me to tell me Im going to be late.

        As i get in the shower to rinse off I wonder if I'll make any friends at this new school. I get out and put on my clothes and pack my extra tee shirt and shorts and Adidas shoes. I put all my school stuff in my bag and extra clothes."I'm going to school mom." I say walking out the door. When I start to walk to the bus I see two girls I think I could talk to.

      As I go to talk to them they start to laugh and i ask, "what's so funny?"
They look at me confused and say nothing together. I just say ok and then they start to talk to me with no hesitation. They ask me if I'm new, if I have any cute brothers, and how old I am. As we sit on the bus they ask me if I'm rich and I say yes. But then they say "OMG we are so sorry we didn't tell you our names." The one on the left of me said. "I'm Sara" the one on the right said "and I'm kristi" the one on the left said.

      As we walk off the bus I see this really cute guy. I guess they noticed and said "ohhh you like Carter." Of course I said " n-no i-i don't" "I don't k-know who th-that is!" "Ok, so obviously you do like but you also know him think he's cute and maybe want to kiss him." Sara says wiggling her eyebrows. " NO!! I do know him we were friends in elementry school but then he had to move, I just think he got more cute nothing more I'm sure he won't even remember me." But of course after I said that he came behind me.

      Carter said " Hey Brooklyn" " long time no see.". Of course I turned around and said "hey" feeling my face turn red. A girl came up and said hi then kissed him on the CHEEK. I was screaming inside still smiling on the outside. I heard her giggle and then she looked at me in the most disgusted face ever.

      Then he said--


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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