Just another Monday

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     "Stacie, what are you doing here?" Breyden chimes in his fake concerned, but slightly confused voice, "It's 5:34 in the morning, surely I assumed you'd be in bed...but it looks like you're either headed there or you literally just left a few moments prior." Breyden is chuckling as Stacie sits cross legged on her oversized office chair in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a blank tank top. Most offices this would be a no-go, but the basis of their work is behind the scenes, so as long as there wasn't an audit and they didn't have court, dress code was more of a moral suggestive than it is definite rules. 
      Stacie gives Breyden the up and down, as he waltzes in wearing the epitome of church-dad-on-Sunday attire: pleated Khakis and a Ralph Lauren® polo with beat up boat shoes. "I could say the same to you, sweets, you look like a train-wreck," Stacie says in a slightly condescending tone, "Looks like you need a pick me up." Stacie moves around the corner and holds a large hot coffee in her hand, exactly how he takes it, extra hot with 2 cream and 1 and half equal. Stacie learned to stop ordering it like that at the window and just ask for equal on the side, it's easier and she gets less dirty looks this way.
         Breyden's eyes light up as he pulls out a bag of bagels and  various spreads from his man purse. "I've got the food!" Breyden announces as they both make their way out to the center table to exchange breakfast items and catch up on office matters over breakfast. "So here's the most recent decisioning from our June hearings." Stacie says, grimacing and handing the paper to Breyden as they look over it together. Breyden groans as he starts reading the rulings and notes from the courts. It seems like every day the courts get stricter on the attorneys and more lenient on those breaking the laws. "I can't believe this," he says, "In what world is this remotely within any statute of any law??"
        "So, I know it's probably not a great time to bring any more attention to the rulings, but I've been monitoring the rulings against the courts and judges and I think I see a pattern," Stacie begins handing Breyden a copy of the massive spreadsheet she had been compiling over the last few months, "I wanted to be sure before I suggested anything, but,  rock solid evidence rarely exists and reasonable doubt is almost always attainable,  look here," Stacie says quietly coming up behind Breyden, placing on hand on his shoulder, gripping him almost. This sent an awakening shock through Breydens body, he almost instantly shoots up straight and becomes more alert. Stacie's other arm reaches around him as she points down the the spreadsheet with her long, black, defined coffin shaped, acrylic nail. 
       Breyden watches mesmerized as the nail taps against the crisp white paper. Tap Tap Tap. "It appears there's a pattern in Judge Cardnell's voting. It appears that . in cases where the father is predominantly a single poor father with little equity she'll automatically rule against him, but even moreover," Stacie continues, looking up at Breyden, her long blonde hair glistened as the sun hit it, hanging down in thick, straight, stands of gold, platinum, and strawberry, "This is serious, look at all of the cases she's ruled in favor of, if there's a mother of reasonable wealth she almost always rules in their favor. These women are of the most successful in their area and all have something to offer the honorable... I'd be interested to go through financial records of everyone..."
       Breyden's eyebrows arch and his eyes widen, "Stacie, don't get in over your head.  These are some of the most powerful people in our profession. You don't want to mess with them," Breyden's expression grew concerned, both with Stacie's findings and what it could mean for Stacie. Breyden extends a hand, patting her on the back. "You did good, maybe we can request another judge for the upcoming hearings," he says optimistically. The two of them pack up their breakfasts and make their way back to their offices. Stacie grabs a pile of client correspondence and the docket list for tomorrows hearings and begins prepare files. Click Clack Click Clack  the keys go as Stacie types like a mad man, request continuance, agree to continuance of 60 days, dismiss without prejudice, request default judgement, request interest on attorneys fees. These seemed like common sense requests, however, mistakes have been made with more information available. As she continues to type the corresponding instructions, out of the corner of her eye she takes notice to Breyden combing his hair and straightening out his attire. It was about time she go put on work clothes too, she heads for the bathroom with her Gucci tote bag in hand, that was a bonus gift last year for her stellar work.
          In the bathroom, Stacie shimmies out of her oversized pajama pants and loose fitting black tank-top, reaches for her bralette which is covered in lace with glitter that got all over her by end of day, over that, she'll layer a bell cuffed sleeve blouse which is just low cut enough for the lace to peep through while maintaining the professional-esque attire she aspired to have. Sliding into a formfitting pencil skirt that sat just above the knees and stepping into her high shine leather heels, Stacie lets down the messy bun which falls perfectly framing her face, she looks in the mirror, "Secretary meets porn star, perfect."  Stacie packs up her tote and makes her way back to the office. 
   As she saunters back into the room she almost takes Breyden out tripping over her heels and the shitty accent rug that she had a distinct disdain for since Breyden brought it in from 'the coolest yard sale ever'. Stacie goes flying and Breyden reaches out in any attempt to save her from falling on her face and scuffing the beautiful outfit she had changed into. Breyden catches her in his arms and props her upright, but not before making eye contact that sent a surge down both of their spines. It was like someone sent thousands of volts of electricity through their veins at the same time. 
          "Holy heck!" Stacie exclaims, "I almost DIED!"
          "I think that's a little dramatic," Breyden chuckles, "I'm glad you're okay though. Try wearing shoes closer to the ground." But Breyden wanted anything but that, it was just an excuse to admire her legs that sat so elegantly in those shoes that shined in the darkest rooms. 
           "I guess I should get up now, huh?" Stacie leans against the table and Breyden propping herself back up on the shoes that sat higher than her dreams."
           Stacie and Breyden exchange crimson smiles, both of their faces hot from embarrassment. He couldn't have felt the same thing I felt, he's married, he's successful, he's established in this world, and I can't feel this way because I have someone at home who loves me...well, in his own way. Stacie continues to replay the morning in her head, was he looking at me like that? He couldn't be. 
Stacie continues to review the case files that were due to meet in court over the next week, there were 600 done about 150 left to go through. Stacie sighs as she shuffles the files that were done into separate stacks, organized by court, and continues to print out directions and prep the remaining files to do the same. I love my job, don't get me wrong, she thought to herself, it's just sometimes I wish I had more going for me. She looks down to her phone to see ten text messages all from Dicky, her boyfriend--er, man child. She never wanted kids, but it seems she's stuck with an oversized one right now. 
               "What's for dinner?"
               "Why didn't you go shopping?"
               "Did you drop off my return?"
               "I need you to call my bank and file the dispute we talked about"
               "Have you submitted my job applications? I can't get back to work without your help."
                and the best one of all, "You've been really absent at home lately, we need to talk about that. When does work draw a line??"

                Stacie buries her face in her hands and groans, "Why????? How is this where I ended up in life?" She wasn't exactly miserable, but she knew she wasn't happy--whatever that meant. She sees Breyden coming around the corner, with his head cocked sideways, "Hey now, I didn't think it was that bad, if you need a break take a personal day, or leave at five, or come in at nine. You're so appreciated but this isn't expected." 
                 The endearment was sweet, and Stacie smiled, "Nothing to do with the job,  hun, just external life isn't going quite as peachy as I'd have liked." Stacie tried to brush off her frustration-- it certainly wasn't any fault of Breyden's that her boyfriend had the mentality of an underdeveloped 13 year old. 
               "You look like you need a night out, how's about we close up early and go get some drinks? I know just the place... best foie gras on this side of the coast. My treat!" Stacie blushed and stammered a bit, "I insist," Breyden demanded, already grabbing his coat, "let's get going. I'll make the res on the way."

              It couldn't be, Stacie thought herself. 

                                                    Could it?

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