Part 1

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"Thaaaaankkkyouuuu Teeaaachhhhhherrrrr" as Tara left the classroom, a smile gently passed her face. It had been a good day. She had been praised by the Principal for her good work. And yes, her students had been behaving well in class too.

She kept her belongings in the teachers' room and began heading towards the school cafeteria. This part of the day was her favorite - enjoying a cup of coffee and her favorite band's music. It made her feel that she was rewarding herself after a day's hard work.

As she drank her coffee, she started observing random students who were returning home. Her eyes crossed over the playground area and stopped at a place.
Aryan. She blinked twice. With a child in his arms, yes it was him. Aryan.
Tara was in college then.It had been raining heavily that day  and Tara had forgotten her umbrella at home. After waiting for a while, she finally decided to walk to her house, which was nearby.As she was about to step in the rain, an umbrella suddenly covered her. She looked back to see Aryan smiling widely at her. "Hey! You can have this. I brought an extra one." " Sorry but I don't know you"
" I am Aryan.Don't worry, I am your batchmate.You can return the umbrella tomorrow." Before Tara could say anything, Aryan was gone.

Exactly 6 months later, both of them confessed their liking for each other. Aryan took great care of Tara, be it helping her in studies or dropping her home after college. They gradually introduced each other to their respective parents and were accepted gladly.

Life had been a fairytale for Tara until then.
"Hey Tara. Not going home today?"Tara's thoughts were interrupted by her colleague, Ishani's voice. Tara looked up . "Come, let's go. I have been looking for you." As Ishani took Tara by her hand, Tara was again teleported to her past.
"Tara, how many times I have told you not to talk to boys in the class?? Why don't you understand?"
" Why didn't you reply to my text on whatsapp even when you were online? It got delivered three minutes ago Tara. How irresponsible of you!!"
" Tara, you can't be out for a late night party. Its not safe."
"You will go to parties and clubs only with me"
"What is wrong with you Tara? Whom were you talking to for so long?"
Aryan had not been like this initially. His care for Tara had slowly but definitely taken a different form altogether. His words began suffocating her. His care and over-protective attitude  now became a shackle for her.She could not imagine that his love would come with a price tag demanding her freedom. Tara knew he loved her and she loved him too, but somehow she was scared - scared of a person so different from the one she had fallen for.
"Its because I love you and care for you baby.Sorry for getting angry but its for your own good." , he had once said, after he had angrily hit her during a fight.
And that had been the end.
It had been four years now. Her new life as a school teacher kept her occupied .Tara knew she still loved him. Immensely. For her, love would always be a synonym for Aryan. But, she had chosen a road less taken.She  had the courage  of choosing herself. Her self respect had won over his obsession. Her love was no longer suffocating her. Rather, it was peaceful and fulfilling.
As Ishani led Tara towards the school exit, Tara smiled. It had been a good day.

#JaaneDeMujhe #letmego

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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