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"Hey Deku, are you going to get that?"

Izuku's head snapped up to see Uraraka tilting her head towards his phone, which was angrily buzzing on the table next to him. He was studying in the common room with Uraraka, Iida, and Shinsou.

"O-oh! I will sorry-" Izuku started to anxiously mumble as he fumbled with his phone. Finally getting a firm grip on it, he turned the screen on to see an alarm titled 'Study with Todoroki-kun!'

A small smile graced Izuku's face as he quickly stood and gathered his belongings. "Sorry I have to go now! I promised Todoroki-kun I would help him with yesterday's English lesson."

"No need to apologize Midoriya, you are being a good friend friend for helping a fellow classmate!" Iida replied energetically. Shinsou hummed in agreement.

Uraraka smiled up at Izuku. "You should invite Todoroki to study with us next time!" She said cheerfully.

Izuku nodded with a big smile on his face, a sudden wave of gratitude for his friends washing over him. "Will do! See you guys later!" And with that Izuku spun on his heel and made his way to the stairs.

"Later Midoriya." Shinsou called out after him as Iida and Uraraka waved.

Izuku waved over his shoulder before flying up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He buzzed with excitement as he made his way to Todoroki's room. He was elated that the two of them were close enough now that Todoroki often invited him to his room to hang out, whether it be to study, watch movies, or listen to Midoriya's new findings about their classmates and pro heroes. Sometimes they spread out on the floor of the dark room, whispering into the quiet nothingness about things that seemed too cumbersome in the light.

Ever since the Sports Festival the two boys had grown quite close. Todoroki became more social and was learning how to open up to their classmates, but Izuku was still the only one to whom he was an open book. Izuku quickly picked up on the small changes in his expressions, knowing that the tense line of Todoroki's lips paired with a gently furrowed brow meant he was frustrated, his eyes were slightly unfocused whenever he became confused, and a tensed jaw and shoulders were clear signs he was uncomfortable. The same was true for Todoroki. He noticed whenever Izuku's smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the trembles of his clenched fists when he became particularly angry, and the way Izuku's nose scrunched like a rabbit's whenever he was lost in thought.

Izuku yelped as he almost missed the last step, immediately blushing as he realized he almost fell because he was absorbed in thoughts about Todoroki. Slightly mortified, Izuku clutched his books closer to his chest and scampered over to Todoroki's dormroom. Caught up in his embarassment and the urge to flee from the hallway, Izuku only briefly knocked on the door before letting himself into Todoroki's room.

"Pardon for the intru...sion..." Izuku trailed off as his racing thoughts suddenly skidded to a complete stop. The door closed with a quiet click behind him as he stood frozen in the entranceway.

Directly across from him was an equally flustered, mostly dressed Todoroki. Izuku's eyes glanced briefly at the white skirt hanging from Todoroki's hands before zeroing in on Todoroki's attire. White thigh high socks with petite light blue bows at the top hugged pale muscled legs and were held up by a white lacy garter belt. Pastel blue panties with lace running along the top accentuated Todoroki's rear and left little to the imagination.Todoroki wore a sleevless pastel blue top with a sharp neckline. A big bow in the same shade of blue was tied in the front beneath the overlapping fabric covering his chest. The pastel blue fabric flowed to the sides, exposing a white lower half of the shirt.

In short, Todoroki was stunning.

Todoroki's face suddenly flushed a deep red and flames sparked along his left side. He let out a squeaky, mortified noise and crouched, effectively hiding his crotch from Izuku. His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to say something, but all that came out were quiet squeaks. Todoroki finally settled on hiding his face behind the skirt still clutched in his hands.

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