Project 403

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"Look here, kid. With a push of a button or a simple word, I could make her turn on the whole world; and she could destroy it. So as far as I'm concerned, you should probably not do anything stupid."

Andrew looked at Brandon, who for the first time in their life time did he see fear in his friend's eyes. He followed Brandon's gaze, leading to Katie's limp body on the ground. Her eyes were wide open, watching her friend's in a moment of fear, confusement, horror. And since she was paralyzed, she could do nothing, not even speak, but stare. A simple tear rolled down her cheek onto the concrete floor.

The man smiled and looked over to another man with a white lab coat by the control panels, which held the power to make the tubes all over Katie's body do anything.

"Let's run it." said the man to the other.

At the control panels, the lab coated man hesitated but looked back at his boss and replied, "Preparing Project 403."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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