New life

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Mila's point of view

Hello, we'll am Mila, I am 16, I just moved from England to North Carolina to start a new life here and make a better of

my self but am really shy. I never talk during school hours unless am talking to my friends.

My dad is taking me to my new high school , when I hope that I we'll make friends and not this shy person that I don't want to be..

"Princess, are you ok??.... Are you worried...."
"Dad im always worried haven't you met me... Im always the silent person in the room..."

"No your not " " your just saying that cause your my daddy"
We stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

When we arrived to the high school. I got out of the car
" you are going to be fine... Just be you self and Make some friends " I nodded

I waved good bye , then he drove off to his new job.

I walked into the school. I walked to the off to the office to get registered

When I see this handsome man (probably has a girlfriend) I walked up the front desk and gave the front desk lady my papers

" so, you're new here??" the boy said
"Yea I just moved here from England " " oh, how rude of me, my name is mila kunis"

"Ian... Ian somehalder"
" so, why you're here, are you the bad boy of the school" he looked shocked

" I actually I am, I was talking back to the teacher and she sent me here like always, I think she hates my guts."

I was looking up and down from his hot body and he had good sense in clothing.

" like what you see ??" He said bring me out of my thoughts
" I actually do, you pretty hot and have a good sense in clothing" he was one again shocked of what I said

" but your beautiful..." I started to blush "I would like to know more about you mila... Why don't we hang out "

" sure what time ??" "Tomorrow night at 7..."
"Sur-" I was cut off " Ian somehalder the Mrs. Montes would like to see you now"

I waved at him." See you around"

A New lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن