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"Oh shit," I cursed at myself as I fell on the not so clean restroom floor. Although the bus was stopped I was still able to manage to fall. As I stood there with my thoughts going a hundred miles per hour. I though of all the negative posibilites and of the positive too. I couldn't believe how I was able to get myself into this mess. I had waited a minute. I was so unpatient. I checked instagram, but no new post had been posted. I checked the time again. It was still a minute that slowly ticked into two. How the hell was I suppose to wait five minutes. I thought about what all the boys would say; I thought about what my mother and sister would say. I knew they would stand with me through tichk and thin, but I couldn't help thinking that mabye this time they wouldn't. I checked my phone - three minutes. I tried thinking of a good way to explain this to everybody. I couldn't wait any longer. My anxiety was eating me alive. "Diana," I heard my current boyfriend, Luke Hemmings, yell from the other side of the door.

"Yeah," I answered backed.

"We have to get down. The bus has to go and park," he informed. He had no clue what was going on. He didn't know that whatever was happening in the opposite side of the door would change his life forever.

"Just a sec," I answered backed. I looked down at my phone and the five minutes had passed. I couldn't mangae to look down at the counter. My life would change forever. As I slowly and uncertanly looked down my face fell flat. I didn't know if to be excited or scared. I just felt like throwing up. I just felt like hiding in this restroom forever. Out of doubt I looked down again. It had to be real. The answer hadn't changed and I know it wouldn't change. I was pregnant with Luke Hemmings baby and there was no way in denying it.

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