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Three years ago, on the 3rd of March 2755, humanity was thrust into war with an alien race known as the "Hachurui". They are a reptilian race that has a mental prowess like never seen before, making them a worthy foe. Their speed and knowledge have caused humans to lose a total of 57 clusters, including our mother colony, out of a meagre 129 colonies, pre-war. This has pushed the humans back, but as always, we will prevail.

Because of their sudden and seemingly unprovoked attacks, military prowess increased by two-fold from 2756. The number of enlisted personnel went from a total of around two and a half billion across Earths total 129 colonies to a staggering 6 billion personnel as a result of volunteer and conscripted soldiers. That equated to 20.5 million personnel per colony to a massive 41 million, almost half of an average colonies population. Due to this sudden surge of population the EINF or Earth Imperial and Naval Forces, was formed by Fleet Admiral, Alexis Ernestine Hahn and General of the Army, Bryce Eberhard O'Byrne. The two would be known as the mother and father of the EINF.

Proving to be a mighty force the EINF gained funding from the Naval headquarters on Luna and the Army headquarters on Mars, until two years ago. Only a year after the beginning of the war on the 28th of February Earth went dark. At first, EINF thought that it was due to technical faults in the Naval Grid, but as the weeks rolled on and slowly those weeks became months, Earth was classed as a dead-zone. Any ship that tried to get through to Earth never returned. Now a self-sustained military body EINF set up a wall on the edges of the dead-zone that had once been known as the Sol System. It came as a shock to humanity, but it was a reality they would face. Laws were set up to prevent ventures into the dark-zone and to stop all contact with the barrier.

Within the next few years, 20 more colonies would suffer the same fate as Earth had with no explanation. ENIF set up a standard procedure for each dead-zone, build a wall and keep everything out. After a few more years a new, and thought to be temporary mother colony was set up. It was a planet in the Epsilon-Chandra system known as Niemandsland or "no-mans-land". It was founded by German colonists during Humanities first ventures into the unknown. Niemandsland had been a wasteland, terraformed to become a large farming colony predominately populated by machines with little human life.

With such a low population, it turned out to be a perfect headquarters for EINF. The low population meant that the locals had no way of passing laws to prevent the EINF from taking over the planet. They prevented any more people migrating to the small colony and set up their headquarters. Within a decade 85% of the planet's landmasses were built into military bases and the remaining 15% was farmland owned by the original population. This land was used to feed the staggering 35 million personnel that lived permanently on the planet. Most military personnel that lived on Niemandsland had children on the planet and it was where most high-ranking officers and generals resided.

                                                                                                              Page 02. Fleet Admiral Miranda Farhad.                                              Report on humanities current situation as of 5th of May 2794. Published on 28th of May 2794 to selected personnel. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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