Paul's Lips (McLennon)

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A/N: Hey, so this is my very first attempt at something even remotely erm... Sexy? I don't know. So I have no idea if this is even remotely good. This is why I so highly value your comment, dear reader, to tell me these things. So here it is. If there is something I did well or didn't do well I really appreciate your telling me so. Thanks! Peace and love~ Ashley.

He wanted them- no -needed them. Now. They're just so beautiful...

He had first noticed them one day while sharing microphone, in the middle of some song. As they bobbed to the music, he happened to look over and instantly his attention was captured by those pretty little lips. The way they formed each word, the way they moved and shaped each syllable. Fuck.

That had been months ago now. And how torturous it had been. Now he very often caught himself staring at them. The way they would curve into a little smile when he talked. The way they would pout when he didnt get his way. The way they would suck on a ciggie. They way his tongue would absent-mindedly moisten when they became dry. The way hed bite down on the lower one when worried or in deep contemplation. The way they would hang slightly open when he was dreaming- it was sinful and erotic. Oh God, how it turned him on.

For the moment they were all four stuck in the middle of some bloody interview when once again he was captured by them. The way he could so easily smile and answer the questions, or laugh at a stupid joke one of the others had made, was beyond John. He had never had the ability- or desire -to put on such a happy little show for the press like Paul could.

Right now Paul talked away about the new album, the next movie they were to make, and other shite. His lips went on and on about how exciting it all was and how they were all so happy to be doing it. Yeah, right. But as he chattered on, John could imagine so very many more interesting things those lips could be doing. So many dirty, sinful things. The thought of all the pleasure they could bring him... He could imagine kissing them until they were rosy and tight. He could bite them, bruise them, lick them... They could be securely wrapped around his-


He shook his head.

"John? Arent you going to answer the question?" The dark haired man with the large hazel eyes asked, those perfect lips forming into a little smirk.

"Oh, uh, yes, definitely!" He agreed although he had no idea what to.

They all gave him a strange look, and the other two started to snicker to themselves. Wrong answer he supposed. He swallowed thickly, "erm what was the question?"

"He asked if you had ever had a sexual experience with the same sex," those lips stifled a giggle.

Johns cheeks were nearly scarlet.

Paul licked at his lower lip, in anticipation for Johns answer. His eyes were full of curiosity.

John quickly shook his head 'no' and out of the corner of his eyes he could see a perfect little grin. Fuck. Could he possibly know what he was doing to him?

"No, no. I love birds," Johns eyebrows wiggled comically.

He peered back over to his best friend who at the moment was bit down on his lower lip, and fucking hell if it wasn't the sexiest thing he had ever seen! He wanted to pin that boy down and kiss those smooth, pink, lips right now! But unfortunately it is often looked down upon to attack the lips of your best mate of the same sex in the middle of an interview.


On the way back to the hotel he was lost in thought. He knew he needed them. It was becoming a problem. He had to get them. But how? He needed a plan. Then somewhere in that randy brain of his, John Lennon formed an idea. Oh yes, it was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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