Attacking Back.

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Vicktor POV: Days have passed since Nickolas' death. Ivy has lost it, just completely lost it. My emotions and concern for my sister are not very strong, and I have no idea how to help. She just spends all day and night crying and insisting that she is to be left alone. James avoids any interaction with Ivy, they have not spoken since Ivy blamed Nickolas' death on James. What is left of our family is falling apart and the only thing holding it together is me, and I don't care to attempt to. I dislike being in the middle between my two younger siblings. They are twins for Christ sake's, they are suppose to have the best connection between all of us.

After days of mindless walking and running from our hunters, I decided to set Ivy down and set up camp for the day time. I needed blood and I needed to get it without having to hold Ivy. She refuses to walk like a child and I am growing in irritation with her non stop crying.

I set her near a tree that she could lean against but she just fell to the ground and put her face to the ground. She is so pathetic right now, I could just kill her.

"Do what you like, little sister," I said giving up on trying to help. "Stay here, I will be back with blood for us," I mostly said to James. Ivy was not listening to a word I ever say and James just sat 30 feet away from Ivy.

"You two are ridiculous," I said looking between the both of them. And with that, I took my leave. Yes, i'm the oldest but does it look like I care enough to want to help my depressed sister and my other stupid sibling who is now constantly blaming himself for the attack on our little village. What happened, happened, there is nothing we can do now but attempt to stay alive and to keep the vampires non extinct.

James POV:

Vicktor insists on us walking all the way to England or France to start a new life way the hell out of where we came from. I called him a fool for thinking that some merchant that he met in a town could be telling the truth about these far away worlds. We vampires do not blend in well with the rest of society, but look how well isolation worked out for us. I was stressed out to say the least.

I was keeping myself silent from Vicktor's ears, I had an agenda, and going to England or anywhere with my siblings was not part of it.

I looked up from the ground at my mooping sister. She looked like a wreck. Crying on the ground. The girl had leaves and sticks in her hair and her dress was covered in dirt and all sorts of repulsive things.

"Do you ever stop crying?" It was a fair question. She thinks of me to be the cause of the death of Nickolas, I have told her time and time again that I was on a hunt, not trying to attract ever soldier in the hill sides.

Within two seconds of me being a smart ass, she was on top of me with her fangs out. She gritted her teeth at me as her eyes changed to the bright blue. I was not afraid.

"I did not mean for what happened to happen, baby sister. I did not ask for Nickolas.."

"DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME." She snarled as she backed away from me. She was trying to calm down but what good is that? At least she stopped crying.

"I hate you," She said as she continued to back away from me. Her eyes went back to their normal green dull color but she still looked pissed. She was in denial almost. She backed into a tree about 10 feet away from me and she hunched over and cried some more. I rolled my eyes and then stood up.

"You need to learn to control this. These emotions you are having, it's not like you," I said pacing around her. She growled at me, but made no effort to get me to stop my rant. I was putting my plan into action.

"Why don't you put this sadness to a good cause? Why don't you help me track and kill our hunters, Nickolas' killers? Eh?" I hunched down to her level. She was watching me now with a werey eye.

"Justices can be served if his killers are dead. Wouldn't that make you feel better?"

I admit, I think killing off our hunters would be a perfect way to get Ivy to leave us and take her constant crying along with her. Vicktor can stop trying to play boss and I can go start a new life without these two. After we left the village, I wanted nothing more to be away from them both. They have annoyed me in ways that I never knew possible. Ivy has the perfect motivation and the desire for revenge, she should just go and do it and leave me alone.

"Since when are you full of such good ideas, brother?" She was standing in behind me now. I snapped to face her and smirked.

"Because, we are vampires, you are not suppose to feel this over powering sadness that you are feeling right now. Don't tell me that you have no considered ripping all their heads off, huh?"

She stares off over my shoulder, she smiled slightly as she considered this.

"Don't tell Vicktor where I've gone, we don't need him looking for me now do we?" She then took off. I felt guilty for not telling her that I was not going to sit here and wait for her return. But then again, that constant crying that we had to listen to for days is now shut up. I smirked as I sat down.

"Go and get them sister, make me proud."

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