Episode 1: Here's to Us

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The episode starts off with one of our main character,Hershey Smith. She's about 20 years old,long brown hair and blue eyes. HERSHEY is getting ready to do what she loves the most,her second job,filming videos of her singing for YouToo. HERSHEY fixes her camera position,then picks up her ukelele. She takes a deep breath.

HERSHEY: OK,this will be my seventh attempt to film this video.

The camera falls onto the floor.

(CUT) HERSHEY positions her camera and picks up her ukelele again.

HERSHEY: Alright then. Make this my eighth attempt then,heh. (ahem)

HERSHEY takes a deep breath and exhales. She holds her ukelele to play "Riptide". She begins to sing. She makes it up to the end of the first bridge before her best friend,Violet Jane,barges in the room,interrupting.

VIOLET: Hey,Hersh,there's...

HERSHEY stops singing and looks at VIOLET with a serious look.

VIOLET: ...Dinner. I'm so sorry.

HERSHEY: (sigh) It's OK.

VIOLET: I was just letting you know that I ordered pizza...and it's here...if you want some. And the boys are here.

HERSHEY: OK. I'll be out in a minute.


VIOLET closes the door and leaves. HERSHEY sighs heavily and turns off her camera. She takes a good look at her ukelele and puts it away in the case. She then gets up and goes to join her friends in the living room for pizza.


HERSHEY: Hey,boys.

JOK: Were you working on a video?

HERSHEY: I was trying to.

VIOLET: I said I was sorry. Maybe we can get you a sign to put on the door for when you're filming.

HERSHEY: I already have one. Plus I even told you before I started filming.


VIOLET is watching TV on the couch.

HERSHEY: (yelling from her room) Hey,Vi,I'm gonna be filming so don't come barging in please!

VIOLET: (yelling back) K!


VIOLET: Oh. Right...

HERSHEY: Besides,it's not really your fault I haven't gotten a video filmed today anyways.

VIOLET: What do you mean?

HERSHEY: I've been so out of it this week with trying to film. I kept messing up because either I was bored with what I was doing and gave up,or because I dropped my camera. Or I sneezed in the middle of the song.

VIOLET: Aww,I'm sorry,girl.

HERSHEY: I'm just getting bored with what I'm doing. Plus,my channel isn't really growing anymore. It just kind of sucks.

SHADOW: Are you wanting to give up on your channel?

HERSHEY: I mean,no. I just want to change things up a little,do different types of videos. But I'm not sure what I really want to do or if my subscribers will like anything else but my voice.

SHADOW: Maybe you can make a video for this week just saying that you want to take a break to figure out what else to do,or maybe just ask them what they want to see?

HERSHEY: That's not a bad idea...

SHADOW: But you really shouldn't worry about what others want you to do. You should do what you want to do.

Breakthrough: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now