Chapter 1

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The cold winter breeze buffeted his face with small ice crystals. At first glance the place looked empty. Except for one devilish individual. By the looks of him he was around 6 feet tall, dark hair, and a cruel smile. In one hand he held a long dagger, in the other a small remote. His long black coat flew in the breeze. His name was Damien, ran his whole life from everyone close to him. Ran away from home when he was five, kicked out of six foster homes. Without a surname for people to track him by, he was invisible. Always running from his works of art you could say. He was a thief, leaving blotches of smoke and ash were every he visited.

Today, he was in Moscow. Looking at the grand bank, he was waiting for something I couldn't tell what though. By the looks of things he was looking for a signal. Two men ran across the street to the west. Garbage cans fell over in their wake. Then it happened, Damien pressed the button. Damien walked over towards the building. I was behind my car as I watched him wal through the fire, untouched by the flames. Bellows of laughter could be heard from inside.

I ran from my car towards the destruction. I tried to run through the fire yet it was still too hot. The front door was my only chance at catching this man. Luckily the door was wide open. Trudging through the crowd I pulled out my sidearm. I could see the black coated man walking up the steps towards the vault. Fire and rubble lay clustered around as many people leave the building. Yet, I was not leaving without Damien.

He was at the reception desk, his dagger now at the neck of the lady at the table. She was sweating, crying, and scared out of her wits. Damien sliced his dagger down her shirt revealing her upper torso. He smiled, reaching into his pocket he grabbed what looked like a collar and attached it to the woman's throat. He pressed another button on the remote another explosive went off this time on the vault doors itself. The woman lie on the table unconscious.

"Damien, stop this now. I will let you live if you come with me peacefully." I shouted.

"Ah, father always running after me. Trying to stop what you started." He chucked.

"If it means saving millions of people, I would do anything."

"Then leave because this isn't the day when I give in." He smiled. He drew a pistol and shot three rounds towards my chest. One colliding with my shoulder. The other two hit the pillar behind me. Now it was my turn, I shot the whole mag hitting him in the back. Yet he seemed unaffected.

"You fool, titanium laced cloaks aren't affected by your silver rounds." He laughed. His face started to change into fur. "You see, you won't make it out of here alive." He roared. He fully morphed into a hairy beast and charged full speed towards me. Razor sharp claws and teeth bashing and slashing at everything in his path. One hand colliding to my skull flung me down into the lobby.

"So this is it huh?" I questioned. "Putting your old man down, with a monster. You could at least kill me as a man." I spit the red liquid out of my mouth. Blood was dripping from my nose and forehead.

"You don't deserve to see me as a human for your last breath." He snarled. He jumped, twenty feet above me I see the monster that devoured my son's essence hurtling down towards me. I close my eyes for I don't wish to see what happens next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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