raglak os

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Hi people.....
How do u do....
Are u fine😋

Scene starts in a dark room of a big mansion where on a bed a girl is crying on her fate her hair is messed up and she is in her saree which is red like her eyes looking beautiful but her eyes are welled up with tears of hurt and pain and what not...
She kept her head on her knees and is crying like a manic

She is in a different transe and her transe was broken by the loud sound of door opening...

She looked towards the door only to see the worst nightmare of her life standing right infront of her smoking....

He looked at her and sighed and said ragini please stop this crying session of yours Yaar Iam fed up with this the only thing u are doing from six months is crying...

And her face is revealed to be ragini....

She looked at the man infront of her with hurt in her and said this tears in my eyes are just because of u laksh...

Revealing him to be laksh...

With this confession of her his eyes turned to red like blood and he shouted at the top of his voice SHUT UP RAGINI.....

For his tone ragini finched and closed her eyes tightly...

He crushed his cigarette down and got hold of her hand and pulled her tightly towards him...

By his sudden pull she landed on his well toned chest and held his collar tightly in the fear of falling down on the ground...

Do u even know wat  u are telling ragini shouted he in his loud voice ragini closed her eyes tightly due to his sudden shout...

He looked at her and held her face and asked her to open her eyes she did the same wat he asked her to do and looked in his eyes with fear...

Ragini Iam your husband and I can never see tears in your eyes u know it right asked laksh.

Yes she said bending her eyes...

He smiled looking at her and kissed her forehead and asked her to freshen up...

She nodded her head and laksh left her and is moving out
Ragini looked at him thinking of their cute love during their college days....

Why laksh why u changed asked ragini to herself with teary eyes and went to washroom to get a cold shower...



Back in Mumbai in ABC college...

Ragini is studying in her first year of engineering and laksh is in his final year...

He is very rich and born with silver spoon...

But ragini is from a middle class family...

For laksh ragini is his love at first sight....

And ragini took nearly 2 months to accept his proposal....

Both are lovely dovely couple who always support eachother....

It was the last day Laksh college and he is very much sad that he had to leave ragini and here ragini she is crying like hell...

He hugged her and that's it time stopped for them....

After that painful partition laksh didn't contact her for 2 months and ragini is dieing to speak to him...

One fine day ragini came to her home from college only to see laksh family and ragini family talking and laksh smiled at her cute confused face...

After listening to their conversation she got to know that their marriage is fixed and it is going to be held in 2 months....

Ragini and laksh were back to normal looking after her became his daily routine.....

After their marriage they are living in a big mansion with Ap and DP

One fine day ragini got ready to go to college and he suddenly stopped her asking her not to go to college ever and asked her to discontinue her studies

She was utterly shocked...

Ragini: but y laksh

Laksh: because Iam saying so

Ragini: but laksh my career

Laksh shouted at top of his voice is career important to u than my decision

Ragini flinched at his tone
Ragini eyes has tears...

Laksh please asked ragini

Laksh looked her angrily by this time both ap and dp came

They asked laksh to calm down

Laksh: ragini go to our room now

Ragini said no laksh I want to know why u are not letting me to go to college...

That is it laksh lost his cool and slapped her hard on her face that her cheeks turned red...

Dp roared laksh wat is this

Laksh roared more this my life stay out of it

Everyone were taken aback by his behaviour.

Ragini back to your room now shouted laksh...

Ragini threw her bag down and ran to her room...

And laksh went to his study room...

But that day night laksh suddenly showed up and said sorry begged her for forgiveness and fed her food but he didn't tell her the reason behind his behaviour...

Ragini disconnected her studies...

From that day Laksh weird behaviour is scaring her...

He became a ruthless person...

End of flashback
Ragini came out of washroom and got ready in a pink saree and went down to hall...

Only to see laksh waiting for her

He made her sit in the dining table and filled her plate with her favourite dishes..

But ragini stopped him and said laksh I can't eat this much please...

Why  u have to eat u are already weak said laksh

Please laksh said ragini...

I don't want to eat it please said ragini

Suddenly ragini noticed his nerves popping out and he threw the plate on the ground and held her by shoulder tightly...

Ragini u know my anger levels and still u are provoking me shouted Laksh...

Laksh Iam sorry laksh please I will never do like this again I will obey u please Laksh saying so ragini begged him...

No ragini u have to learn a lesson u are gaining courage to disobey Said laksh...

Saying so laksh threw her down and looked for something and went to their room and he got his belt...

Ragini looked at him shockingly

Ragini started begging him of not beating her...

But he he gave a slash from his belt that burned her skin after a while he stopped his torture and took unconscious ragini to their room and treated her...

Laksh kissed her and wishpered I can't afford to lose u ragini...

Screen frezzes......

2b continued

Sorry sorry no bashing for laksh character...😫😫😫😫😫
One more shot remaining 🤐🤐🤐 so. U will get to know the reason 😝

Waiting for review

Cute devil

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