Stuff about me

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Read are books there like are little diary and they tell stuff about us



Funny one


Hey my name is Hayley jones

I'm 14

Online school

I love to talk to people so pm me

I'm Irish I don't have the ascent though

I love watching funny videos and I love all my friends on here

I have a twin sister and a older brother there both super nice but my brother jack move out

And my sister has a boy friend he is really nice

I'm the funny one I like to play around prank people and just mess around a be my self

Fav color blue

Fav animal tiger

Fav sport football

Love the lake

And music is life

Ok so I have a crush and he is super nice and sweet and funny but I don't think he likes me I think he thinks of us as friends

So😔😔and we have been friends for like ever so what should I do

Ok well there some things about me I'll update a lot and pm me I'm on often

HayleyWhere stories live. Discover now