Let her go.

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She's gone. You're all alone now. All on your own. Your wife is gone. Free. You can do it. Two years without the love of your life in this shit hole are nothing right? God.. who are you kidding? 

Alex shook her head. She should be happy right? Happy for her wife's early release. And she was. But still it bothered her in some kind of way. She knew it wasn't fair, but she felt like Piper just left to start a new life without her, even though nothing of that was her fault. Piper had no clue about being released early, neither did Alex until Caputo asked Piper to come to his office to tell her the good and surprising news. The blonde promised her wife she would visit her at least once a week and they both agreed to call each other every day at 6:30 pm.

"I will think about you every day." Piper whispered into her wife's ear as they hugged each other tight. "And I will think about you." The dark haired woman replied. "I will miss you.. Fuck, i will miss you so much." Alex' voice was shaking and she gently pulled back some of the blonde hair of the woman standing in front of her. "Please don't cry." Piper said. "If you cry, I cry and I really don't want to cry." She laughed a little. "I know.. I know." Alex whispered. "Promise me I will never see you in here again, okay? Except for visiting me of course." She looked at her intensely. "I am being serious Pipes. I don't want to see you in here again. Promise me, you won't do anything stupid. I will be out in two years and then... and then we can live the life I always promised you, remember? The little cottage I promised you? With some pigs and chickens and of course a baby of our own.." her voice was breaking and she had to take a few deep breaths before continuing "I just want you to be happy, Pipes. I just.. you deserve the best and I am really trying to give you exactly that so please, I am begging you, please don't you ever dare walking into one of these cells again!" Piper took Alex' hands and gave them a soft squeeze as she looked her wife deep into the eyes. "I promise." She said "I promise." She repeated with her voice cracking and she sniffled loudly. "Hey, don't cry!" Alex said as she cupped her wife's cheek. "I thought we agreed on not crying?" She asked with a little smile on her lips, even though she was battling against tears herself. "I love you Alex. I love you so much." Piper whispered against her lips before pulling the dark haired woman into a long, soft kiss. "I love you, Pipes." Alex mumbled into the kiss, wishing this moment never had to end. "You have to go." She whispered on the verge of tears. "Hey, who's the one crying now?" Piper asked smirking a little. "Fuck you, Pipes." Alex replied chuckling. "And now go" She pulled her into one last hug, inhaling her smell for one last time before letting her go. "I love you." She whispered as she watched her leaving the cell block. "I love you." Piper said before turning her back towards Alex and walking out the door.

You promised your wife not to cry, so hold it together now! I just wish I could've been leaving with her.. I miss her.

Now it was just her. Her, Alex Vause. She knew it was selfish to wish for her wife being brought back to prison soon but she just couldn't help, because she missed her significant other way to much. Even though she had Piper promising her to not do anything stupid, she kind of wished she did. There was nothing Alex wanted more than having her wife back but she also knew that in two years the two of them would be able to live the life Alex had always promised to Piper so she hat to stay strong. Alex had to stay strong for her wife, to give her the life she deserves. Alex always described having Piper in her life as having grown another limb. Piper has become part of Alex' body. There was no Alex without Piper anymore. The two woman completed each other, helped each other being the best version of themselves. Alex loved Piper more than anyone or anything else in this world and she knew Piper felt the same about Alex. The two of them needed each other. They always have.

HELLOW beautiful people :)
This is my first vauseman oneshot and I really hope you guys like it? Let me know in the comments <3
-xx Shana

For: mrssendrick and perfextpride <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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