The First Thing Anyone Knows

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My name will stick with me like sap to a tree. Do I like my name?

My dad is Bao. My mom is Yen. I am Bao Yen. Bao Yen. bao een. Ask the first syllable, shriek the second. Bảo Yến. I am a fusion of my parents, like my name is the fusion of my parents' names. A name stands for everything about a person, acting as a summary of their life and of their self. I am my father's brain, and I am his ambition. I am my mother's hair and her hands.

Bảo means precious. It means protected. It means loved. Yến is a bird. It is a bird whose nest saves the wizened and the weakened. It is a miraculous, mystical cure that plants a seed of happiness wherever it goes. A seed that grows into a tree of continued life, continued love, continued happiness, I am loved like a spring of happiness by my parents, their first child.

But I'm more, even, than the seeds of my being. Before the bird made the nest, it was a fledgling, still learning to fly so that it could one day soar above the clouds. I am like that fledgling, learning to balance on my wobbly wings that are fighting to fly in their own styles, one stronger than the other. I am like the bird, listening to my parents advice, but perfecting my own techniques of flight. I am like the bird, getting ready to soar and save as many souls as I can. One day, I will plant the same seeds of happiness as the bird, giving everyone tree of life to care about and to care for and to protect and to love.

So, yes. I do like my name. It does not define me because a name never can. Yet, in a twist of fate, God has let it not only represent me like all names do, but He has allowed it to explain a core part of me. He has allowed my name to be a seed for a girl full of curiosity and ambition. Bảo Yến will always be everything about me, some from the past, some ever growing, some yet to come. And it has been a symbol for my identity for so long now, there is simply no sense in changing it now. No, not now. Not ever.

Me in RiddlesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ