Bab 1

37 0 0

9 Oktober...

A : " Hello beautiful..."

S : " Yes hello. Excuse me, replay later..."

A : " Hello, how are you doing today . I am Anthony and you  "

S : " Yes I am good so my name is Seenna "

A : " And where are you from ?"

S : " I am from Indonesia and you..? "

A : " woww. I am from Texas US but presently in Europe now. Do to the nature of my job and businesses. So how old are you ? "

S : " I am a teacher special need , 46 years old "

A : " that's great of you beautiful lady "

S : " Thank you."

A : " So are you single, married or divorced ? "

S : " I am married "

A : " OK, you live with your husband or separated ?"

S : " With my husband , why ? "

A : " There's no problem. So how is everything going and what is nature of your husband job ?"

S : " My husband not good job. He is a farmer "

A : " OOO.. that's not very bad. But are you ok with the marriage "

S : " Why you ask about it ?"

A : " There's no doubt on that . Actually beautiful I don't usually spend a lot of time here cos of my work and businesses. So I like us to be chatting on Google Hangouts ok. So give me your g-mail address to add you "

S : " For what...?"

A : " To be able to be chatting each other and know more about ourselves, to work together to eradicate poverty around you, ok ."

S : " Give me time to considered offer.... That's my g-mail ..., Ok you can concact me...!"

Seenna menghela nafas panjang , tak terasa persahabatan dengan Anthony telah memasuki 3 tahun . Seenna menutup kembali percakapan awal saat pertama bertemu di sebuah media sosial . Tak ada sesuatu yang istimewa dalam perjalanan persahabatan.
Kerinduan yang ada pun hanya sebatas teman , sebatas sahabat . Katakanlah sahabat jarak jauh , jauh dari mimpi jika harus bertemu di dunia nyata .

Anthony hanyalah salah satu dari sahabat jarak jauh , saling mengabarkan kesehatannya , kesibukannya .
Masalah pribadi ? Tidak,
Seenna jarang membahasnya , mereka saling menjaga privasi masing-masing .

Tapi , siapa sangka dari hal sederhana membawa pada sesuatu yang luar biasa ?

# by Arini Wienda

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