The perfect date

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"Do you have to go??!" Andi wines to Bowie. "We're going to miss pizza and movie night!!! You can't just leave us on pizza and movie night!!"
Bowie was leaving for the weekend to meet up with the renaissance boys for a gig in Arizona. The boys wanted to come back just for one weekend and get together and try to find somewhere to play, and with their luck, there was a music festival in Arizona and one opening spot.
"It's just this one time! I'll be back before you notice!!" Bowie said as he hugged his daughter. "Plus, you and Bex can do all of that tonight! You know, a girls night!"
Andi turned and look at Bex then back to Bowie. "Yeah, but it's more fun with you!!"
"Hey!" Bex said. "I thought I was the fun parent!"
"You are mom... and so is dad. It's just extra fun with two fun parents!" Andi said hoping she didn't hurt Bex's feelings. Bex threw her hair behind her shoulder and mouthed "whatever!" And Bowie laughed. "Why can't you take us with you?! You know how much Me and Bex love music festivals!! It's like our thing!!"
"I wish I could... but it's all sold out. I tried talking to them seeing if they can give us backstage passes, but they couldn't. I'm sorry." Bowie then walked over to Bex and gave her a hug and a kiss and then gave another hug to Andi. "Look, We can have Pizza night and Movie night again on Sunday. But I have to go. The guys are here and waiting. I don't want them to think I'm ditching them. I promise I'll call you guys when I arrive... okay?" Both Girls nodded their heads and Bowie waved goodbye and headed out. Once the door shut, Bex admittedly ran to the closet and came out with a box full of things.
"What's that?" Andi questioned.
"I've been waiting for a night like this!" Bex said excitedly. "Girls night is going to be awesome!!!"
"Huh? This isn't our first girls night ever." Andi said back to Bex.
"I know. But this one is going to be special!!" Bex was way to excited to notice the fact the pizza guy was at the door. Luckily Andi knew where her mom and dad keep the "pizza" money at and grabbed the amount and gave it to the pizza guy. "Since you cleaned out Andi Shack, Cece also wanted to go on a cleaning spree and thought it would be okay to set a few boxes in the shack till she takes them and gets rid of the stuff. She told me to come and find the stuff I wanted to keep, and I found this!! My old magazines, Games I used to play with my friends, and some great 200s hits we can play on your record player! I'm so excited!!" Andi laughed and set the box down on the table and helped herself to a slice. While Bex was going through the box and sorting stuff out, Andi started to look at the magazines and made fun of the fashion and gossip. Bex has grabbed Andis record player and set it on the side table and put one of her old record in it then grabbed a slice of pizza. Both girls started to go through Bex's magazines and playing the old games but were very careful and made sure they avoided the truth games. After that, they started to play a few of Bex's old games. Time flew by and before they knew it, they had went through every magazine and played every game but had one more Vinyl to play. Bex put in the vinyl and sat next to Andi. But both of them sat in silence for a few minutes till Andi saw Bex's memory box. "Bex?"
"Can I please look through your memory box?"
"Why? Haven't you looked at every single picture like a few times?"
"Yes, but I saw you put a few more pictures in there and just wanted to check them out! Plus I love hearing your stories... even if I already heard about them!" Andi begged.
"I mean the pictures I put in there were just ones I found while Cece was cleaning. It's nothing that special." Bex said.
"Well, there has to be if your not letting me look through it!" Andi teased.
"There's nothing." Bex said in a firm yet calm voice hoping Andi would move on.
"Okay fine, but you can't keep secrets forever! You've tried before and failed..."
"Okay okay fine! Go look through it, but I'm telling you, it's just pictures of me and my old friends... nothing special!" Bex said a little annoyed.
"That means more stories!!" Andi said excitedly.
That did make Bex smile. She loved that her daughter wanted to hear her stories about her past. It was one of her favorite things to do with Andi.
Andi grabbed the box and sat back down next to her mother. She opened it up and started to look at the pictures. She wanted to go through them before she heard stories. But while she was going through them, she stumbled across a picture with her mom and a girl. The girl had medium length hazelnut hair. It was normal and all till she looked at the back that read 7/17/08 and under it "The perfect date" with a mini drawing of a heart.
"Oh my god. Uh not that one... give it to me!" Bex said as she saw what her daughter was looking at.
"The perfect date? What does that mean?" Andi asked still looking at the photo.
"It's uh, it's just when we went to a concert! Me and my old friend! Don't worry..."
"Tell me the truth." Andi said.
"I said it!" Bex gad forgotten she put that picture in there and was hoping Andi would move on.
"You said 'don't worry' that means I have to worry... who is that girl? And why does it says the perfect date? Were you two a thing?" Andi questioned.
Bex turned pale and her heart started to pound. She didn't want Andi to get mad at her or look at her differently. But she also didn't want to keep lying to her daughter. "That's Nancy... Nancy Parker." She took a huge deep breath and tried to keep calm. "And yes. We did date. BUT it was just for a few months... I was just figuring myself out and we ended up just being frie-"
"Tell me!! Tell me all about it!!" Andi said.
"Tell me!! You know I love hearing about your ex's!! Please tell me!!"
"You aren't mad at me?" Bex said.
"Why would I be?? Please just tell meeeee!!!" Andi begged.
"I was scared you would be mad at me because I'm-"
"You're bi? No I wouldn't! But Please just tell me!! Pleaseeeeeeeee!! I will not stop saying please if you don't tell me!"
Bex smiled. She wanted to hug her daughter and tell her how much she appreciates her, but knew her daughter would explode if she didn't. "Okay I will. But let me grab a drink real quick." Bex leaned over to grab a drink and Andi sighed. But after Bex sat down her drink, she sat right up ready to hear the story about the perfect date.
"Alright..." Bex started to say. "It was July 17th. One of the best nights ever... besides when I had you and met Bowie. Anyways, I was in New York at a club by myself. I was just there because I didn't want to be in the city at night. Too busy for me. Anyways, I was pretending to watch the baseball game and trying to entertain myself. This one girl came up to me and sat down. Her first words were "Pretending you know what's going on too?" I didn't notice her at first, so when she said that to me I startled. "Nancy... Nancy Parker." That's when I first got introduced to her. I introduced myself exactly how she introduced herself to me. "Oh and yes, I have no idea what is happening." I felt very nervous around her and honestly that was when I realized that these aren't normal feelings I've had around a girl. I guess I always knew I liked both Girls and Boys, but I've never had a huge girl crush till Nancy. And something about her told me she also liked Girls. I think the same happened to her. "I love your jacket!" She said to me. "Thanks! I love your shirt." I remember she was wearing a Rolling Stones shirt and I feel in love with it that I bought myself one shortly after. After that, we both got to know each other and then she brought me over to her house. After that, we hung out for a while and I guess we kinda just became a thing. Till three months in, we were so in love that we couldn't be together and wanted to stay friends. We were both scared that it wouldn't work out and we didn't want to get into a fight and never speak with each other again, so we just stayed friends."
Andi was in all awe with this. But was also very tired. As Bex was telling the last bit of her story, Andi slowly fell asleep. Bex looked down to find her sleeping and covered her up. Bex then got up to go lay on the couch and try to sleep herself. But she couldn't stop thinking about the perfect date. She missed Nancy as a friend of course, but her story of the perfect date never left her head. She left out some stuff on purpose, but that's the parts that weren't leaving her head. She felt guilty for thinking about this but the only way to get it out of her head was to go through the whole night.
That night Nancy brought her to her house, they watched a scary movie. She remembers Nancy got scared and cuddled up against Bex which right then Bex fully realized she was bisexual. Once the movie was over, both girls were almost asleep, but before Bex fully fell asleep, she reached for the remote to turn the TV off. She tried to carfully to try and not wake Nancy up, but she failed. "What time is it?" Nancy said as she rose up. She looked at the time and it was 11:30pm. "It's only 11:30?! Man, today was a long day I guess." Nancy said. "Sorry I woke you." Bex apologized.
"Oh! No! Don't worry! I'm a very light sleeper... I'll wake up if you drop a crumb..." Bex laughed. Both Bex and Nancy Sat next to each other and then looked at each other for a while. Then slowly the started to kiss.
This was Bex first girl kiss ever and she liked it.
But was scared.
She quickly backed away.
"I'm so sorry." Bex said.
"Oh. Did you not like it? I'm really sorry... I can tend to go a little too fast with this stuff and I should've asked before and I-"
"No. I liked it." Bex replied.
"Oh..." Nancy said a bit confused.
"I just never thought I actually would like this..." Bex felt a bit ashamed in herself.
"I'm guessing your bi?" Nancy asked.
"I guess so..."
"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Nancy asked.
"Because, I'm bi. I like both girls and boys... but I like girls. The same sex." Bex started to tear up. "I guess I always had a few girl crushes, now that I think about it, but I thought it was normal. And I guess I'm not normal. I mean not that my parents won't care, but like my other friends! And all these other people... I'm not normal and I'm different... I knew I was never normal and-"
"Woah. Bex. It's okay. You like guys, and girls. And who cares? Screw the people that think otherwise. Plus, you said your parents won't care... there's nothing to worry about! You have me, your mom and dad, and Andi. They will love you no matter what."
"I know. But like, what if I can't get a job because I'm bi. And like people are going to hate me because I'm different."
"Bex. Stop." Nancy said as she grabbed Bex's arm. "Listen, who cares if your different. Being normal is lame. I would hate you if your were normal. Normal people disgust me. They think they are so smart and perfect and never make mistakes. But people that are different, like you Bex Mack, amaze me. Especially you. You seem to not care what people think and you need to think the same about your sexuality. Whoever you like is okay. Love is love and you can't ever get rid of it. So what if you like just girls? So what if you like just guys? I like girls and I'm proud of myself! You like both girls and guys, and you should really be proud of yourself because you have plenty fish in the sea."
Bex laughed. Nancy made her feel so much better. "Thank you." She said back. "Really. Thank you." And then she hugged her. After that, both of them decided to get up and not go to sleep and instead go walk in time square. They both got ice cream and sat at a bench and told stories to each other. Bex forgot why she was so upset earlier because she felt happy. She hasn't felt this happy with a partner since Bowie. She knew she loved Nancy, and she was okay with that. Later on, both girls always had fun they ended up consider themselves as sister friends. Bex couldn't bare to break her heart like she did with Bowie... she also still wasn't over Bowie and was another reason why she broke up, but never told Nancy that.
Bex finally was able to relax once she reminded herself of that night. She wish she had Nancy's number so she could just introduce her to Andi and Bowie and was curious if she found someone and wanted to tell her about Herself and Bowie.
Bex felt her phone buzz and look to see that Bowie was calling. Bex had this feeling that she needed to tell Bowie. Or she at least just felt like it. She wanted to tell Bowie she was Bi.
"Hey! How's it going? Did you guys get pizza?" He asked.
Bex laughed. "Yes. We did!"
Bex told Bowie about her night and what her and Andi did, then finally she built up the courage to tell him.
"Hey Bowie. I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" Bowie sounded nervous.
"I should've said this to you earlier, but kinda forgot I never told you until tonight." Which is very true. Bex assumes everyone knew, till Andi brought it up which Bex then knew that only herself and Nancy knew and didn't realize she would have to come out.
"I just thought you would want to know Incase Andi happens to tell you, but I'm Bisexual." Bex hands were all clamy and her heart was racing.
"Oh that's all?" Bowie said.
"Yeah. That's all." She said back.
"Okay. I mean that's cool! Good for you!!"
Bex was shocked he didn't get upset and questioned her why she never told him.
"I should've told you earlier but I guess I thought you already figured and I-"
"Bex, I don't care. That's okay. I'm cool with it. If you only liked girls but forced yourself to marry me, then that would be a little awkward... but liking both genders, is pretty cool. Plus who cares? Love is love. And I love you no matter what. If you dated a girl in a past, cool."
Bex smiled. "This is why I love you so much."
"I love you no matter what." Bowie repeated. "Okay I have to go, Looks like the person who owns the place is coming up to us. It's a pretty great place for a music festival and we should definitely go next year... and the person who owns this place has to be rich or something... the stage is beautiful. I'm jealous of this women. Nancy Parker must be rich. Okay here she comes, I have to go. Love youuuuuu!!!!" And Bowie hung up.
Bex was in shock to even hear the rest of Bowie's conversation. Bowie just met her ex. Her best friend. She texted Bowie letting him know that her and Nancy were friends and to give Nancy her number so they could meet up. After that Bex laughed which woke Andi up.
"What's so funny?" She asked her mom.
"It's a small world Andi." She said back.
Andi looked at her confused then went back to sleep.
Bex then couldn't stop thinking about her daughters and husbands reactions to her coming out. She felt very lucky and loved. She loved her family and would never ever change them for anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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