Thor, Loki, Tony, Steve, Bucky...

91 4 0

*Steve Rodgers has added Thor, Tony, Loki, Bucky, Natasha, Nick, Bruce, Clint, Maria, Phil, PeterP, PeterQ, Gamora, Dr. Strange, T'Challa, Carol, Nebula, Sam, Wanda, Valkyrie, Pepper, Happy, Rhodey, Scott, and Rocket to the chat at 12:03 PM*

Tony: What is this Steve

Steve: Hello everyone. Me and Bucky we're together and decided it'd be fun to have a group chat.

Carol: Why

PeterP: Omg hey guys!!! 😄😄

Nebula: Who are you people.

Gamora: they r fine nebula I know them kinda

Wanda: hello 👋🏻

Sam: Yoooooo

Steve: did I forget anyone?

Tony: I thought Thor didn't have a phone

Dr. Strange: Yes. I thought so too.

Thor: No, I have an electronic device now for emailing.

Loki: Thor this is texting you dimskull

PeterP: WTF Loki that is not even a right insult 😂

PeterQ: Why was I added to this

Bruce: how do I leave this

Tony: Steve why aren't you texting in this

Steve: How

Bruce: please

Nick: For Gosh sakes. You bitches are blowing up my phone even more then it is already

Steve: Sorry, sir.

Tony: put it on do not disturb

Wanda: can I add vision?

Tony: No.

Wanda: Why?

Tony: I'm joking

PeterP: LOL

Scott: Guys wanna hear a joke

PeterP: Yes tota-

Gamora: no

Nebula: what is happening in this

Loki: nimrods

Bucky: Hi

Steve: Hello Bucky, what are you doing?

Pepper: Wanda are you adding vision or should I tell Friday to?

Wanda: idc

Pepper: Okay I will.

Pepper has added Vision to the chat at 12:36

Vision: Greetings.

Steve: Hello

Bucky: I am doing nothing, Steve

Tony: took you long enough to answer

Bucky: Who

Tony: nvm

PeterP: LOL Mr. Stark meant YOU Bucky!!

Steve: Rude.

Natasha: Hey fellows

T' Challa: Who are some of the people in here?

Phil: Like Who?

T'Challa: Like you.

Phil: I am an agent of SHIELD along with Maria.

Maria: Hello.

Tony: why don't we just introduce ourselves to each other

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