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"Alpha?"knocks on your bedroom door "Alpha Blaine, May I come in? I have your Breakfast for you. Alpha? Get the fuck up" Catrin opens your door "Your mother said you needed to eat now before your meetings with other packs and she said to also get your suit out and iron that for you."

Blaine was laid passed out on his bed wearing nothing but his boxers. He had been up most of the night signing over and reading documents. Blaine had taking over the pack a few years ago when his father died. He groaned when he heard the girl finding her especially irritating. "fuck off." He mumbled before rolling onto his back. Blaine's chest, neck and arms where covered in tattoos , he was also very muscular.

"Fuck you not my fault your the alpha." She mutters under her breath. She walks into his wardrobe and then Catrin gets his suit out and irons it neatly. She looks at Blaine and sighs.

Blaine growled slightly as he heard her swear at him. He sat up in his bed before looking across at her. "Fine I'll get up but get the hell out of my room, and if you speak to me like that again you'll regret it after all I am your alpha so show me some respect." He snapped before getting out of bed and running a hand threw his hair.

"Whatever, you used to be nice what happened" she snaps at him. She takes a deep breath in caution of what he would do to her if she did get on his bad side. "You have 20 minutes"
She bows and leaves Blaine's room.

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