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I remember,
The summer months with its
Aimless drives, senseless talks;
Talks turning into caresses,
Caresses into kisses and
Kisses to much more,
Under the shining stars.

They say a woman is nothing
Without her man.
I never believed it
I still don't.
A woman is nothing without her heart.
Or rather, no person in anything without their heart.
But a woman gives her heart away for love.
And so a woman in love becomes nothing without her man.

My heart went out to you,
And you took it in your soft hands
Placed it in a golden palanquin
Which I now realise has iron bars for doors- a gilded prison.

I can't have my heart back.
Without my heart, I am not me.
I look in the mirror now and see
The empty shell of a being who once was.
I asked you to let my heart go,
To let me go.
You told me that I gave myself to you.
I let me go.

Now I live without being myself.
I live with the burden of stiflingly beautiful memories choking me.
You piercing the blunt knife of emotions into my skin,
I live like I'm dead.
And yet, you don't let me go.
The question that still lingers is,"Why?"

Let Me Go (#JaaneDeMujhe writing contest)Where stories live. Discover now