The Times Change

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I walked through the park like any other day
Coming from school I was, yes, like always. I never changed my pace or the speed that I walked. Like normal, I was waiting to pass the guy sitting on that old bench block. And without fail, he met my eyes with a smile, like always, like always he asked

"Why don't you stay for a while?"

I gave him a smile and I looked him square in the eye "I'm sorry sir, not today I'm afraid"
Despite what I said, with a tired yet settled gaze, he continued with his monologue anyways. "Don't you just wish that you could fly?"

tilted my head at what he just said.
"Yes Fly, that's all I crave before I'm dead. I'd fly to the ocean and bring someone in my stead. See if it's still there, my old bench block, you see ."

"Well why wouldn't it be there? Why not why not?"

"Oh my boy, you see, things change. If I could explain and make you see as to why that should be, I'd rather not and opt to scale a rather large tree"

He told me this, yet for I didn't really believe. After all, the times have never changed for someone like me.

  I bid him ado, I hope I made his time worth while, like always like always he sent me off with a smile.

His grey balding hair still shifting in the wind.
That same brown bag that he let his left hand rest in.
His back somewhat straight, despite his old withered state.
  A twinkle in his eye. As he kept wishing he could fly.
"Change? as if" I told myself.

"After all look at that guy? He's changed not a spiff"

I saw him again , like always like always.
He sat on the bench as the sun started to softly fall away.
"Good morning dear sir"
"Good morning to you "
"How about you sit on the bench, and we can talk, just us two"
His voice was hopeful, like every other day. But I shot him down, like I always intended to do anyway.
"I'm sorry sir, not today. I have to keep my grades up, so alas I cannot stay"
The old man never lost his spark, but why, when I never played the part?

"Things change and they won't wait,  you should stop and enjoy the little things while they are still here today"
I gave a small sigh,  I can never get rid of this guy!
"but you're always here without fail, without fail"
"Who says that it won't change?"
"For the last time! It never will!!"

He looked at me long. Like I've grown two heads
"Listen to yourself sunny,  listen to what a young boy like you just said"
Before I could speak, he started to rambled again.
"I just wish I could fly.  That'd be the day. I'd take this old rusty bench and just fly away.
I'll set it out somewhere nice on the beach.
And then sit down and rest my old withered feet.
Just one last time, that's all I ask.
Before my only life left comes to pass. You can come with me too,  if you'd consider the thought.
Just us two with both our shoes off"

As he said these things, I walked away. Telling him I'd sit with him some other day.

The next day was just the same. But as I came across the bench, he wasn't there today, and for some reason, my hear wrenched.
"Old man must've gotten tired, or is just laying in bed"
Thats what I, the boy in the glasses said.

The next day, it happened again.

And again

And again

And again

The old man never again occupied that rusted bench.
  No matter how many of the slow agonizing days went.

"The times change"

His joyful voice echoed again, as I passed by that bench, that's when it entered my range.
They do indeed.
I'll never see the old man... now, nor in my time of need.

I rejected his offers, more then I can count. And now I'll never get to accept it.

His time ran out.

Years passed.
And It's finally the day. I've worked so long and so very hard, to get it this way.  I stood on the beach, without my shoes . My toes touched the sand, and smiled as if making the front of the global news. I wiped my glasses off, I chuckled to myself .
"You were right old man, this sand does feels rather caught".
I sat on the old rusted bench the wind in my hair.

  "There, old man" I choked.
"I hope this is fair"

The man in the glasses cried alone at the beach.

He cried and he wailed for someone he could no longer see.
For he mistook the time he had left with the man without a count, so now he begs and pleads for a universe where time didn't run out.
However, life is cruel and full of misguided fools, who believe they have all the time in the world.
Reality is harsh to all young boys and young girls, and most will only experience a part of what can lie at the start.
Hold onto your time and spend it with care,
for you'll never know what'll change if you let it sit and waste there.

Like the saddened and mournful man on the beach.
Thinking he's left alone with nothing but the comfort of loud wind and crunch of sand on his feet.
But however alone he may feel, and however lost he becomes.
Some can account that a second pair of prints, joined him on his walk into the setting, blazing, sun.


Yes, i am crying while writing this poem.  I felt so much emotion, i hope its somewhat good. Tell me what you think, did i tug at your heart strings? Or is it it just another poem that bored tou to death. Ill never know if you don't tell me. So leave a comment! Now, have a good day my peeps.

The Times ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora