The Night Life

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Chapter 1

     "Where is my God damned coffee?!"

     "C-coming right away ma'am!"

     The angered woman tapped her foot to the ticking of the wall clock in the coffee shop. She had ordered her coffee, black, and had been waiting for what had been ages in her frame of mind.

     The woman was known as Norah Nightshade around town. She had waist-length raven hair, which was usually put up in a ponytail, almond shaped green eyes, and a horrible attitude. Her proffesion was unknown to most, she only stopped in town for a coffee every afternoon, but, nonetheless, many were infatuated with her mysterious life. It confused her sometimes how people could be so obsessed over someone who looked like nothing special compared to the rest of the world.

     "I want my coffee now!" She shouted, causing everyone in the small cafe to freeze.

     "Here! Take it!" The teenage cashier cried out, holding out the coffee in a trembling arm.

     "Finally!" Norah sighed, leaving her money on the counter and heading out the door, coffee in hand.

     Before she took sip, she heard a reoccuring nightmare coming from where she had parked.

     "Wow! A Honda Prelude! I want one of those!"

     "What have I told you bloody teens every single day since last March?" The raven growled, grabbing the front of the tallest teen's shirt.

     "It's the crazy British lady!! all men for themselves!!" The grouped shouted, leaving their captured friend behind.

     Norah dropped the teen, amused by how he scurried away like a cockroach in the light. She slipped into her vehicle and attempted to, once again, drink her coffee.

     "Norah!!! Hideki wants you at HQ stat!!!"

     "Ack!!" She jumped, fumbling around with her coffee to make sure it didn't spill all over the place.

     "Jose, you little troll, what the hell are you doing in my car?!" Norah yelled, scaring the preteen and causing him to sink further under the back car seat. "Get up and buckled. Now."

     Not wanting to upset his superior, Jose hopped into the back seat and buckled himself in, making sure Norah heard the noise of the clicking buckle. The raven started the car and started her drive out of town.

     "So, what does that lazy bastard want?" She spoke, frightening Jose with the acid from her tone.

     "He said he wants you to due an ultra super secret mission to better the company."

     "I swear, if he is going to make me clean the mens john again, I will quit!"

     Jose chuckled, but was met by Norahs cold glare in the rearveiw mirror. Norahs tan subordinate had been in the company for as long as she could recall. His dark hair and eyes made it easy for Jose to sneak around and ambush Norah on an almost daily basis.

     Norah parked in her labeled spot in the company lot and got out, taking her now cold coffee with her. She looked up at the building she had been working for her whole life. The outside looked like an old factory, with a company name and logo on it. The only difference, was that inside, a whole other world works secretly under radar. Only the president himself knew about the hidden organization, and he didn;t have control over it either.

     This building houses the Secret Supernatural Association, and this organization is Norah Nightshades life.

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