I & Myself: Two Different People

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  • Dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe

As a learned and respected doctor in London this matter is, and continues to be, of the upmost delicacy. For I now know, without any reasonable doubt, that I've contracted a case of duel personality of a peculair degreee; and it is not in the least a simple, or guiltless, condition. For I've found that I do very terrible, even murderous, things while my other self is in control. Regardless, I shall  start from the beginning.


It beagn on August the fifth of 1897, nearly four years ago. I was in my study after dinner as I usually was, reading a book on some new medicine development made by a French doctor. I was reading then suddenly everything went black. When I came back to myself I was standing in the kitchen, my hands and clothes were covered in blood and I held a bloody knife in my right hand. After setting the knife down on the counter I searched the house for my wife, or any traces of her; but I could not find any other than her clothes that hung in the closet, and I didn't find my wife.

Needless to say, by this point I was very frightened ineed. I buisily washed my hands, then once hey were untterly and completely clean, I threw my bloodied clothes into the roaring fire place. Upon looking at the clock it had been three hours since I was first entering my study.

Then very distressed, and very fearful of what the sunrise would bring, I went to sleep.


Though with less sleep, my life continued as normal for nearly a week, upon whihc I had another black out, or void spot as I now call them.

That second blank spot occured on August the thirteenth of 1876, at my work office. It had been so long that the memory of my black out (void spot) had been clear, although even then it was beginning to fade to a degree, it was still far enough in the past not to haunt my waking hours, yet it indeed still did haunt my rather sleepless nights. It happened as I was looking over one of my paitent's files. One second I was reading, then next it was black. My memory resurfaces at nearly two hours later, although I had to look at a clock and my planner to figure out that information. In the surgery department, wearing a bloodied surgical utfit. I cleaned up just as before The next day a body was discovered, horrifically mutilated and disected, according to the newspaper, in the surgical depertment of the hospital that I worked in.

- Due to the of these events currently being unsolved (i.e. my wife's disappearance, the murder in the hospital) certain details have to be omitted. -

And once again my sleep became even less, and I felt my sanity begin to slip away. From then on, I began to try to devise a plan to keepthe public safe from the monster of whatever controlled me during my void periods.


This pattern continued for nearly three years. Random void perods and then I'd come to, usual with large quantities of blood on my person. And then I was a part of what I did in those void periods.

 That occured on the seventeenth of July in 1900. I was attending a officil convention of science here in London and I was escorting a rather beautiful yound lady back home then everything went black, as  I had entered another void period. Then something happened, which I can at best describe as a partial awakening, and has yet to reoccure as of yet. It was as if my eyes saw yet I wasn't in control of my bodily functions. I saw my own hands on her neck, her eyes wide with terror and shock as I squeezed the life out of her, quite literally as well. After a few moments her struggles ceased  alond with her breathing. And I had witnessed myself murdering an innocent young woman, yet it wasn't I, it was my other, which is a close to an evil, polar opposite to my normal self. Yet I feel my old self slipping away, as the way winter gives way to spring: slowly, yet eventual. And so I write this to you, the unknown reader, that yet I may become a murderous, insane man; I was not always so. Know that deep down in my heart of hearts that I do not desire to stay in the state of void, not knowing, or being able to control, what I do, only that evil intentions are on the mind of my other. And truly, I'm very sorrowful of the things myself has done, and I'd do anything to take them back; but alas, that is impossible.

Your truly,

Doctor Mark Harolding

October 23, 2014 - October 25, 2014

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