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L/N Y/N, her name was beautiful. She wasn't like the girls Jimin has seen.
Y/N wasn't constantly talking on and on about new clothes, whining about breaking a nail or gossiping and backstabbing others behind their back. No, she wasn't at all like that.

For all Jimin has seen so far, she had a small group of friends. All with seemingly unbreakable bonds. Most of them were boys, with the additional girls too. With bikes with the brand 'Cross', he mostly gaped at the sick moves and speed they did/had when cycling.

Jimin also learned from a classmate that she and two of her friends went kick boxing.

And what he most utterly adored about you was that you weren't stupid, you were intelligent. You observed and made out assumptions, only to toss them out the window when you get close with the person.

Jimin wasn't going to lie, his interested was piqued.

The short sophomore learned this in a game of volleyball, he wanted to show off his new spike. What he was surprised about was your jump serve, it was unbelievable.


"Gather up!" The coach yelled, blowing the whistle catching the students' attention.
"Since we haven't done this in a while,  we're going to have a volleyball game. Those who actually know how to play, please step ahead."

Jimin proudly stepped ahead, his smug smile and crossed arms showed off instantly.

"Y/N if we're in different teams, I'mma aboutta whoop your ass. Ain't no mercy in this bitch." Vassi pushed you playfully, lips in a full-on grin.

Said girl rolled her eyes, pushing him back, "Watch and learn, Vassi. I'm going to show you who's whooping ass."

The boy leaned close to her face, smirk appaering on his handsome face, "With those bangs on front of your face, bet you don't even see me right now."

"Ha ha, that's what ties and clips are for, dumb bitch." Y/N pulled out a tie, and tied her hair into a high ponitail.

Jimin watched as she took a blue clip, moving aback her front bangs so her eyes we're seen clearly.


"Alright captains are, Bojidar and Baekhyun. Please, choose your teammates." The coach, a female in her mid twenties demanded, starting to tie the net. A student helping her.

"Vassi." Bojidar, whom had his hands in his pocket this entire time, called out his friend's name.

"Svetli." Baekhyun smirked, once he saw the other captain and Vassi's gloomed out faces.

Jimin assumed that his plan was to separate them.

"Y/N." The girl high fived the two boys, the trio's expressions calm.

"Jimin." The short boy sighed, his shoulders shrugging. Moving to stand next to Svetli.

"Simeon." Again, they high fived. Jimin figured out Bojidars' strategy, he wanted his friends on his team. Jimin thought that it made sense, they all work better off together.

It continued like that until the teams were formed. Jimin had in his team a boy named Jungkook, Svetli and others he never knew existed.

Blowing the whistle, the game started.

First off was Y/N. Jimin held his breath, eager to see what she had in store.

The team's "libero" dived in to save her serve, only to cry out in pain

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The team's "libero" dived in to save her serve, only to cry out in pain. The skin of the boy redding, that was about to be a bruise later. It went out and it counted as a point.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook cursed out, making Bojidar smirk.

"Amazed? We all, including Svetli practice volleyball. We became quite good at it, not enough to be pros though." Simeon stated, shaking his head. His hair moving along with him.

"Gee gee, easy noobs." Vassi shrugged, looking at the girl who was preparing to serve again.

Y/N licked her lips, nose slightly scrunching as she stared at the opposing team.


Y/N turned on the cold water at the school's sink. She wetted the towel, once it was dripping, she putted it on her neck. Slightly flinching from the coldness then relaxing. The game was good, they won the first set and Baekhyun's team won the second. The bell rang and they couldn't have a third set, so they ended with a tie.

Walking to class, she sat on her seat. Legs on the chair, head resting on the desk. Her left hand removed the blue clip, sliding it back in her pocket. Her front bangs fell in front of her eyes again, a sigh leaving the girl's mouth.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Svetli bumped the girl's desk, sitting next to her.

"Shut the fuck up before you get smacked the fucked up." Y/N grumbled, a small smile on her face.

"I'mma bad bitch you can't kill me!" Simeon shouted, sitting behind Svetli.

"Guys shut the fuck up." Bojidar growled, eyes focused entirely on the game he was playing on his phone.

"You're playing Brawl Stars without me, that shit stung bro!" Vassi shaped his head, taking out his phone.

These five were the main reason people say trouble makers are fun. Bojidar is the dorky and serious one. He is responsible for the noises from desks and stuff.

Simeon is the video game addicted motherfucker, often quoting memes and vines with Vassi and Y/N. Occasionally with Svetli too. He is responsible for not doing anything in class. Just having a notebook in his lap, while not writing anything down.

Svetli is the laugh man, he will laugh even if you show him your index finger. He is responsible for noises such as farting loudly with a mouth or with his arm pit. Also laughing loudly at class.

Vassi, the one with the jokes. And let me tell you, they were not bad. At all. He talks and distracts everyone at class with his funny attitude. He is the third noise maker, he makes innapropriate noises such as moaning high-pitchedly and grunting lowly.

Y/N, oh Y/N. She's laid back most of the time. She is down to earth, but isn't a killjoy. She is that one girl that will spam you with memes at three in the morning. She was the closest with Simeon because she knew him from kindergarten. Y/N is responsible for the snarky comments towards teachers. Often fixing their English teacher, as annoyingly as she can too.

The teachers didn't like their attitude, but they knew all five of them had problems at home, all different kinds of problems.

Jimin knew that too.

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