Chapter 1

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Nash's body quickly jolted up in severe panic and distress. It was the third time her snoozed alarm went off and this time she got up, swinging her legs over the side of her bed. Her feet landed on the plush rug, she run her feet over the fuzzy material feeling it tickle her. She sighed, it wasn't the most successful night in regards to rest and she still felt as though she could sleep for another 5 years. But today was the last day of Sixth Form and she didn't want to be too late.

The past two years of blood sweat and tears had landed her in the best position to potentially be accepted into Cambridge to study Politics and Journalism, too bad she wasn't going. Nash brought her body to a standing position as she began to stretch, pulling her tightly wounded muscles upwards. She made an odd sound, enjoying the feeling of her muscles extending. She made her way to the window opening the curtains revealing another rather muggy grey day in Suffolk. Her bedroom faced the back of the house and offered her spectacular views the rolling hills and sheep. She sighed imagining what it would be like to be in a sunny country.

"Nash!" her mum called from the bottom of the stairs, her voice seemed weaker than usual. Nash quickly made her way to her door, suddenly feeling immature and kidlike as she caught glimpse of herself in the mirror. She wore her favourite One Direction PJ set from 2010 with the matching socks. She briefly contemplated getting changed but there was no time for that.

"Coming mum." Nash shouted back, making her way to the stairs grabbing her gown which hung at her door. She partly walked and partly ran down the winding steps where her mum waited for her. Nash wondered what the rush was about, what all of the bother was for. She looked at her poor sick mum who had somehow managed to lift herself up onto her crutches without any assistance. Her mum, Beverly smiled a small smile at Nash as she pointed at the door, there was someone at the door. Nash wondered how long they had ben there and if she had slept through her mum calling her down. She felt increasingly embarrassed as she sheepishly smiled at her mum before heading towards the door. Nash had completely forgotten that she was wearing her beloved One Direction PJs when she proudly swung the door open. The sun was just rising and under the gloomy haze her big brother Spencer stood in front of her with a bunch of flowers.

Nash was taken back, she was not expecting to see Spence until Christmas, he worked in London and was always busy. She let out a small squeak and reached out to hug him. Spencer had gotten so much taller and bigger since he moved to London. He had broad shoulders and stood tall at about 6'3. He had dark curly hair and dark striking eyes. His mouth curled into a gentle smile as he embraced his sister.

"Mash!" he exclaimed as he held her, swinging her side to side. Spencer had always called her Mash, it was some kind of nickname that he developed for her when she was born as he could not pronounce the 'n' in her name he settled for Mash. "Gosh you haven't changed at all little sis." He chuckled lightly into her big curly hair before passing her the big bunch of flowers. Spencer marched towards his and Nash's mum and embraced her with just as much enthusiasm that he greeted Nash with.

"Mum." He sighed into the loving hug his mother gave him; she used his stocky build as support for her legs. Nash was overcome with joy that her eyes started to fill with tears. She was so happy she could cry. She hadn't seen Spencer in 6 months and wasn't supposed to see him for another 6 months, by that time it would be Christmas. Spencer was always so busy now that he worked in London, he didn't get chance to come home, they were working him hard at the firm. Nash placed the flowers on top of the cabinet in the hall and walked towards Spencer and her mum.

Spencer turned around beaming at her colourful choice of PJs, he spoke as his mouth turned up in a mischievous smirk "nice PJs, I didn't know you were still a directioner." Spencer began to laugh uncontrollably and before long Nash joined in unable to contain her laughter also. Their mum looked at the two smiling at them both before demanding they join her for breakfast before Nash goes to Sixth Form.

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