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A/N So this is gonna be my first book so be prepared for bad writing. I might not be very active on this but who knows. This is based on Princess Mononoke but the characters and plot is all my idea. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. PLAY THE VIDEO NOW! Let's see where this goes😘


"Robin can you get that please!", Mom called from the office. She was very busy lately with all the books she was writing.

Robin ran to the living room and picked up the phone. "Hello?", she asked.

"Hey sweetie! So I just got out of work and I'm gonna go grab some things from the store.", Robin's Dad said from the other end.

"Will there be presents for me?", Robin asked very excited. It was her twelfth birthday tomorrow.

"I don't know yet, you'll have to wait for tomorrow to find out".

"OK. So when are you gonna be home?", Robin asked.

"Around 6:00, so I'll be home when your Mom makes dinner".

"See you then. Bye!".

"Bye honey buns".

She ended the call and ran upstairs to the office to tell her Mom when her Dad was coming home as she always did.

"Mom, Dad said he's gonna be home by 6:00! He also said he's gonna buy some stuff from the store!", she said, standing in the doorway. Her Mom just hummed back in response, her eyes not leaving the screen.

She almost paid more attention to the screen than she did to her own daughter. She never helped Robin with her homework or took her to school. That was her dads job. She did the cooking and the cleaning. He made her happy when she was upset about something, when she was scared, or just needed a friend. He was more present even though he worked most of the day.

Robin ran downstairs and grabbed the remote. She turned on the TV and went to Netflix. She flicked through the shows until she found her favorite one ; A Series of Unfortunate Events. She had watched it about ten times all the way through.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 5:47. Dad's coming home soon! I wonder what he got for me! she thought to her self.

She finished the episode and glanced at the clock again. It read 6:39.

Dad should be home by now! He's never late! I hope he's OK! Robin thought with a worried look on her face.

Robin turned of the TV and ran to the office. Her Mom probably wouldn't help her though but she had to try.

"Mom, did Dad call you?", Robin asked in the doorway.

"No, why are you asking me?", she replied, her eyes focused on the screen.

"He's not home yet and its-", Robin glanced at the clock,"7:14! He's never late!", Robin yelled.

"I know. Can you leave please, I'm trying to work on something!", her Mom yelled back in annoyance.

Robin was getting tired of her Mom not caring about her. She went to the side of the computer and turned it off. The screen went totally black.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!! I DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING!!!! Get out. ", She screamed in anger.

But he's no-", Robin started but she was interrupted.

"GET OUUUTT!!", she screamed louder than before.

Tears brimmed in Robin's eyes. She hated when her Mom got like this. She ran out of the office and ran into the woods.

A few years ago, she built a fort made out of branches in the woods with her dad. He got a piece of plywood from the garage and got some black paint.

"What do you want to call it", her Dad had asked her.

"Um, what about Castle Jays (If you get the reference, comment) it sounds cool right?", Robin had said after thinking hard.

"Sounds great, honey. I love it!", her dad had said with a genuine smile on his face. He always had a glimmer in his eyes when he smiled.

He had painted the new name on the piece of plywood. Then he hung it on the top of the fort.

Robin was eight when they built it but it still felt like it was yesterday. They had put a little mattress in there so there wasn't any sticks poking you. She sat down and felt a hot tear slide down her face. Then more followed. She let out a quiet sob. She put her head in her hands and just sobbed more.

After a while, she heard footsteps coming towards the fort. Robin wiped the tears from her face.

"Dad?", Robin said, just above a whisper, her voice cracking.

Her Mom poked her head through the tiny doorway. Robin looked down at her lap and sniffed. She didn't want to cry in front of her.

"Oh, it's you", Robin said, venom in her voice.

"Look. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that. Come inside, it's cold out here", she said putting her hand out for her.

Robin took it and got out of the fort. Together they walked back in the house. She let out shaky breaths when they got to the door.

"I think you should wash your face. Then when your done come sit at the table for dinner. i made spaghetti and meatballs", her Mom said, referring to Robin's tear stained face.

Robin slowly went to the bathroom. She opened the door and walked in.

She looked in the mirror. Her brown shoulder-length hair kind of messy from running. Her blue eyes glossy with tears. Her light skin covered in streaks of tears and some dirt.

She grabbed a towel and turned on the tap. She waited for the water to get warm and but the towel under the water. It started to steam. She put it to her face and almost immediately the tears seemed to disappear.

Robin washed her hands then went to the table and sat across from her Mom.

They started to eat the food that Robin's Mom had made. There was an awkward silence.

Then a loud knock on the door broke the silence.

They both got up and opened it. A man they didn't know stood in the doorway. He was a little short and plump. He was bald but had light stubble on his face.

"Hello?", her Mom said, sounding more like a question.

"Hello. My name is Jake Barber and I'm from the police department. I have some bad news for you. I'm very sorry to tell you this but your father wont be able to join you tonight or ever. He got into a collision with a semi truck and his car flipped off the bridge. His body and car was found in the river. I'm terribly sorry about this. If you need anything just call me and I'll be there for you", he said, a sad expression on his face. He handed us a card with his information on it and left.

Robin's Mom closed the door but before she could say anything Robin ran upstairs to her room and started to cry.

Her dad was dead.

A\N I hope you enjoyed that first chapter. It was a little hard for me to write because it was pretty sad. Well I might make another chapter today or tomorrow. I dont know! Hope you have a great rest of your day/night. See you when I update.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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