Faye 'Stilinski'?

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My name is Faye Grace Stilinski well that's the last name I go by. As your probably guessing I'm adopted, John and Stiles Stilinski they are who I am lucky to call family. John was meant to just look after me till the system found me a foster home in... well anywhere there isn't many people willing to take in a 6 year old girl in California.

Once they found me a home, 5 states over. On the way to drop me off Stiles began to cry as we were 3 houses away from what was to be my new house and my new life, stiles began to hug me. We parked out the front of this house John opened the door to the car for me to get out and Stiles latched himself on to me and refused to let me go until John promised I could go home with them. John asked if I wanted to stay with them or go inside to a new family, a new house, a new town and a new state is this guy bananas of course I want to stay with a kid i new from school in my home town where I know people.

So I stayed and I own all my happiness to Stiles.

I don't remember much of my old family, but the doctors think it my brains way to remain sane. All I remember is waking up in the ICU, confused and scared. They asked me what I remember "Faye Grace is my name" is all I said before they told me there was an accident and that there was only one survivor, I didn't remember any family so I wasn't sad I was more confused on why I can't remember them. There was another thing I did remember but it's not like I can tell anyone, I'm a werewolf and I have control. Beta don't remember how I was turned.

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