Journey to the LEGOLAND!!

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A few weeks ago,my family and I has gone to LEGOLAND.LEGOLAND is located in Johor Bahru.We departed to the Johor Bahru at 8:00 am and got there at 2:00 pm.When we got there,my father quickly line up to buy tickets.After buy the tickets we enter the LEGOLAND!!.My family and I are very excited.We see a variety of mini buildings along the street.My sister and I walk faster than our parents because we are very-very excited.My mom keep taking pictures along the way while my father is calling his friend.There are a variety of fun games.My sister and I play a game called "maze".i was very dizzy.Objective of this game is to find way out.My sister and I find way out about half an hour.After play many games at LEGOLAND.My parents decide to go home.I was very sad but,I was very happy and hope to go to LEGOLAND again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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